
Nalezeno "scalability": 352

ILCoin Launches With 5GB Blocks

ILCoin Blockchain Project set a new record for stable block size - when it successfully released a 5Gb block. This achievement became possible after the project introduced RIFT protocol, which allows to increase the block size and keep high transaction speed. With these qualities, RIFT effectively...

Photonics Bitcoin Mining Tech Aims to ‘Democratize’ Energy Use

Three researchers have published a paper at Cornell University’s proposing a system called Optical Proof of Work (OPOW) to potentially be employed in Bitcoin mining. According to the paper, “heavy reliance on electricity has created scalability issues, environmental concerns...

Another Research Paper Finds Flaws With the Lightning Network

On November 21, researchers from Hungary and Institute for Computer Science and Control published a critical examination of the Lightning Network, the protocol intended to amend BTC’s scalability issues. The researchers’ simulation findings indicate the Lightning Network...

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