
Nalezeno "tiktok": 396

No One Can Fully Explain This Baffling Roblox Ad Scam

Over the past few days, a bewildering TikTok ad featuring clips from Roblox has torn through the internet. Some believe it’s an instance of performatively offbeat marketing. Some think it’s a fairly run-of-the-mill scam. Others say it was an accident, a technical mishap on the app’s backend....

Tiktok Bans Users From Promoting Cryptocurrencies

Tiktok has banned its users from promoting all financial products and services including those related to cryptocurrency. The company also prohibits ads relating to cryptocurrency. Tiktok Prohibits Users From Posting Content Promoting Cryptocurrencies Social media platform Tiktok has banned content...

The Original Half-Life Could Have Had So Much Blood

The original Half-Life is a pretty tame game from a violence standpoint; headcrabs and other enemies can inspire revulsion in their own ways, but they don’t explode into Mortal Kombat-style gore piñatas when thwacked with a crowbar. But they could have.Read more

Sonic Smut Is Flooding Trump’s New Social Network

Nary a month after the dramatic implosion of former president (and current Twitter refugee) Donald Trump’s attempted blogging career, the septuagenarian authoritarian’s “team” of grifting enablers has launched its latest attempt at a social network for folks who are just too darn patriotic...

Recap: Co přinesl 19. týden roku 2021

Clubhouse bude dostupný i pro smrtelníky s Androidem. TikTok testuje nástroje pro náboráře i nezaměstnané. Elektrovozy se možná budou… The post Recap: Co přinesl 19. týden roku 2021 appeared first on

Young South Korean Crypto Enthusiasts Ditch Youtube For TikTok

Young South Korean crypto enthusiasts are reportedly increasingly shunning YouTube – once their favorite resource for crypto investment advice and token-related talk – in favor of TikTok-based crypto content-makers. Per Chosun, Generation Z investors are increasingly looking to broaden their...

Twitch's Latest Sensation Is A Stop Sign Where No One Stops

A blue car pulls up to a stop sign. Against all odds, it briefly, miraculously comes to a halt. Twitch chat goes ballistic. Numerous people spam “I was here” as pogchamp emotes flood in. This is Stopsigncam, a Twitch channel that suddenly has over 125,000 followers even though it’s just a camera...

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