
Nalezeno "X Money": 3754

US State Wants to Legally Seize Unclaimed Cryptocurrencies Left at Custodians

The U.S. state of Illinois has advanced a bill to consider unclaimed cryptocurrencies at custodians abandoned after five years. The coins will then be liquidated and the proceeds remitted to the State Treasurer. The cryptocurrency owners will have no recourse against the custodians or the state....

‘Crypto-Friendly Bank’ Blocked Your Money? Good Luck Recovering It

Sooner or later, you may be blocked out of your bank account. It can happen to any of us, and it can even happen with supposedly crypto-friendly “banks,” such as Bitwala, Revolut, and more. The question is: what should you do if such a company freezes or blocks your account? Well, according...

Real Vision CEO on Impact of Coronavirus and Money Printing on Global Economy

In an interesting conversation regarding the impact of Coronavirus and printing of the money by the Federal Reserve on the global economy, the chief executive officer of the Real Vision, Raoul Pal, touched upon a number of aspects including Gold, Bitcoin, Tokenization, and financial freedom among...

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