
Nalezeno "H1 2020": 4383

Anonymous Bitcoin SV Miners Capture 55% of the Network Hashrate

The Bitcoin SV network has been a topic of conversation recently as stealth miners currently command more than 55% of the chain’s overall hashrate during the last seven days. Last year analysts noticed a large amount of the hashrate on all three SHA256 networks (BTC, BCH, and BSV) was being...

How to Buy Weed With Bitcoin

So you’ve got a little bitcoin to your name but are all out of weed. What you gonna do? Well, if you’re fortunate enough to live in a region where marijuana is legal, there are ways to exchange the two. While if you don’t inhabit such an enlightened area, rumor has it there...

Computex 2020 v červnu nebude. Přesouvá se na konec září

Tchaj-wan se v aktuálních dnech dává jako příklad země, kde nejlépe zvládají boj s koronavirem. Současně je ale také místem, kde se pravidelně na počátku června koná významná počítačová výstava Computex. Letos se měla v červnu uskutečnit už po čtyřicáté. Měla. Vzhledem k pochopitelným okolnostem

Animated Custom Cursor Effects

Some ideas for interactive custom cursor animations using SVG filters. Animated Custom Cursor Effects was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Cash Crisis: National Currencies Plunge in the Wake of Coronavirus

Announcing an open-ended QE program Monday for unprecedented asset purchasing, the U.S. Federal Reserve has pledged to purchase assets "in the amounts needed," signaling the beginning of a virtually unlimited easing effort which will include moving into corporate bonds for the first time. The post...

CSS :nth-of-class selector

That's not a thing. But it kinda is! Bram covers how frustrating .bar:nth-child(2) is. It's not "select the second element of class .bar." It's "select the second element if it also has the class .bar." The good news? There is a real selector that does the former: :nth-child(2 of .bar) { } Safari...

CoinDeal Token – a Wide Range of Earning Possibilities

Launched in the second quarter of 2019, CDL Token is a rapidly growing project, which has more and more to offer for its users. From the very beginning, CDL was not supposed to be an ordinary token. The goal was to create a functional cryptocurrency which would enable the users of the CoinDeal...

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