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Forrest 64 Is What A Fictional Nintendo 64 Game Sounds Like

Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. We’ve got an odd one today: the soundtrack to a make-believe Nintendo 64 game hidden away in the Switch version of Firewatch.Read more

I Was Wrong About An Award-Winning Final Fantasy Author

Back in 2014, I wrote about author M.J. Gallagher’s attempts to turn the Final Fantasy series into a giant novel, and said “it’s not going to win many literary prizes”. I am here today to eat some shit.Read more

Happy 35th Birthday, The Legend Of Zelda

On February 21, 1986, the original Legend of Zelda was released on the Famicom in Japan. It did OK, Nintendo made some more Zelda games, and we’ve all been having some good times ever since. Read more

'Shop Contest: The Legend Of Zelda 35th Anniversary

This year marks the 35th anniversary of the Zelda franchise. But specifically, it seems today Feb 21 is the actual day the series hits the big 3-0 (plus five.) Let’s celebrate the long-running franchise by creating silly images. It’s how we do things around here. Read more

Final Fantasy VII Has Been Upscaled To HD Using AI

If you want to play Final Fantasy VII in HD on your PC you could wait for the remake to get ported, or you could play the original game using this mod that employs artificial intelligence to upscale its visuals.Read more

The Makers Of Minit Are Back With A Clever New Spin-Off

Minit took the sense of exploration and discovery from a classic Zelda and recreated it in black and white in 60 second chunks. The result was fantastic, so it’s not surprising its creators are returning to that world in their latest game: Minit Fun Racer.Read more

Thank God For Wario

These are trying times we are all living through. If only we could live through them with half the gusto—and fashion sense—of Wario.Read more

Xenoblade Chronicles 2's Pyra And Mythra Are In Smash

The next Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter isn’t Waluigi. It’s Pyra, from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. That’s not all. Mythra will join the roster, as well. The two fighters will be available in March.Read more

Zelda Speedrunner Beats Breath Of The Wild With His Feet

Speedrunner Joedun is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to doing the unthinkable in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Not content to have a top 10 time when it comes to 100 percenting the game, he decided to do it again earlier this month without taking any damage. Now he’s back...

Bowser’s Fury Co-Op Sucks, But Super Mario 3D World’s Is Amazing

Nintendo’s first big release of 2021, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury, packages together a re-release of a seven-year-old game alongside a new, yet bite-sized, adventure. The main draw is the latter, which offers a showcase of what an open-world Mario game could be. What’s more, Bowser’s Fury...

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