The Humble `img` Element And Core Web Vitals
Addy Osmani on images in HTML:
The humble <img> element has gained some superpowers over the years. Given how central it is to image optimization on the web, let’s catch up on what it can do and how it can
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A Love Letter to HTML & CSS
I see you. In the back there, behind JavaScript and React and PHP and all those “real” programming languages, I see you. And I appreciate you.
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An interactive tool for learning grid syntax from Etesam Ansari. In the Learn section, it teaches you some concepts (involving multiple bits of the grid syntax) then gives you a task to complete by filling out the right syntax. I’m …
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VORTECS Report: Dammit, Musk, now you're messing with AAVE too?
Outliers in the raw data preceded significant price movements for both AAVE and ALPHA: Coincidence?
FFXIV Endwalker's Second New Job Is The Scythe-Wielding Reaper
Revealed this evening during the Final Fantasy XIV Digital Fan Festival keynote, the melee damage-dealing Reaper will join the previously announced healing Sage as the second new job introduced in this fall’s Endwalker expansion. Read more
Plus: the return of Days Gone, data galore!
[The GameDiscoverCo game discovery newsletter is written by ‘how people find your game’ expert Simon Carless. This newsletter is exclusive to GameDiscoverCo Plus subscribers, and rounds up a plethora of exclusive platform sales & other analysis.] Good morning, all, and welcome to...
Auto-Generated Social Media Images
I’ve been thinking about social media images again. You know, the images that (can) show up when you share a link in places like Twitter, Facebook, or iMessage. You’re essentially leaving money on the table without them, because they …
The post Auto-Generated Social Media Images...
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
This weekend is for playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition. That’s it. Nothing else may be done or played this weekend. There will be no celebratory vaccine brunches or prolonged afternoon naps. Just an endless parade of dead-eyed Shepards approving messages. Read more
Creating Stylesheet Feature Flags With Sass !default
!default is a Sass flag that indicates conditional assignment to a variable — it assigns a value only if the variable was previously undefined or null. Consider this code snippet:
$variable: 'test' !default;
To the Sass compiler, this line …
The post Creating Stylesheet Feature Flags With...
HTML Boilerplates
Manuel Matuzović goes line-by-line through a boilerplate HTML document. I like it. It’s a good reference and has a lot of the same type of stuff I tend to put in the main HTML template. It makes me think about …
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DevTools for CSS layouts 2021 edition
Chen Hui Jing covers some recent movement in DevTools:
Firefox’s grid inspector was pretty full-featured from the get-to and released together with CSS grid in Firefox 52. It was constantly improved upon since. Chrome added a basic grid inspector
The post DevTools for...
2021 Design Systems (Survey/Courses)
My friends at Sparkbox are doing a survey on design systems, as they do each year. Go ahead and fill it out if you please. Here are the results from last year. In both 2019 and 2020, the vibe was …
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Advanced CSS Animation Using cubic-bezier()
When dealing with complex CSS animations, there is a tendency to create expansive @keyframes with lots of declarations. There are a couple of tricks though that I want to talk about that might help make things easier, while staying in …
The post Advanced CSS Animation Using cubic-bezier()...
SVGator 3.0 Reshapes the Way You Create and Animate SVG With Extensive New Features
Building animations can get complicated, particularly compelling animations where you aren’t just rolling a ball across the screen, but building a scene where many things are moving and changing in concert. When compelling animation is the goal, a timeline GUI …
The post SVGator...
IRS Could Come For Your Crypto If You Owe Them - Official
If you happen to owe any money to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the agency is willing to explore yet another way to make sure you pay your tax debts.
According to Robert Wearing, Deputy Associate Chief Counsel for Procedure and Administration at the IRS, the US government considered...
Crypto Pawn Brokerage DeFi For You Launches P2P Lending
Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by
Hanoi, Vietnam - The world's first crypto-pawn platform DeFi For You is launching a peer-to-peer lending platform that allows users to stake crypto-assets and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) as collateral...
Six Upcoming Blockchain Projects You Should Be Watching
Disclaimer: The Industry Talk section features insights by crypto industry players and is not a part of the editorial content of
Token offerings have been through multiple iterations over the years, fueled by the need for projects to gain recognition and liquidity for their tokens...
You can buy condos with DOGE in Portugal as crypto real estate listings soar
You can now use Dogecoin to buy luxury apartments in Portugal, with a penthouse currently on sale for around 5 million DOGE, worth roughly $2.2 million
The one game rating problem you really don't want to have
and how to avoid it. Possibly. Hopefully!
Everything You Need To Know About Returnal’s Endgame
So, you’ve rolled the credits on Returnal, the PS5-exclusive action game about realizing that the events of Groundhog Day could’ve gone a lot worse, actually. Typically, a credit crawl signals the end of a game. Not so with Returnal. Once you hit the ostensible end, there’s a lot left for you...