
Nalezeno "Hard Fork": 408

Reports Criticize Bitcoin SV Miners and the Chain’s Upcoming Fork

In the last two days there have been two critical posts published against the Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision network (BSV). On December 17, Binance Research published an allocation mining report that analyzed the mining activities of BTC, BCH, and BSV and the research detailed that BSV miners...

New Ethereum Hard Fork Coming in January to Delay Ice Age

As mistakes do 'happen,' Ethereum (ETH) is now forced to have another hard fork in January, less than a month after the Istanbul upgrade. During the Istanbul update earlier this month, the developers have made a mistake in estimating when the feature known as the difficulty bomb which slows down...

[článek] Ethereum Istanbul Hard Fork je mírný pokrok v mezích zákona

[5 minut čtení] Dlouho očekávaný technický (hard) fork Ethereum sítě plní titulky kryptowebů a blockchainových magazínů. Co přináší? Ethereum má za sebou aktivaci třetího letošního technického hard forku (a též třetí velkou aktualizaci protokolu v rámci fáze “Metropolis”), k té došlo s blokem 9...

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