
Nalezeno "Motion": 399

GIFS and prefers-reduced-motion

The <picture> element has a trick it can do where it shows different image formats in different situations. If all you are interested in is formats for the sake of performance, maybe you’d do: <picture<source srcset="img/waterfall.avif" type="image/avif"<source...

UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #11

A new hand-picked collection of great web motion design concepts, UI interactions and animations. The post UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #11 appeared first on Codrops

How to Create a Realistic Motion Blur with CSS Transitions

Before we delve into making a realistic motion blur in CSS, it’s worth doing a quick dive into what motion blur is, so we can have a better idea of what we’re trying to reproduce. Have you ever taken a photo of something moving quickly, especially under low light, and it turned into a blurry...

UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #10

Check out the latest trends in web motion design, UI interaction and animations and get inspired. The post UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #10 appeared first on Codrops

Accessible Web Animation: The WCAG on Animation Explained

It’s true, web animation can be accessible! Sometimes it just takes a little extra effort to make sure that it is. There are strategic things we can do to make sure our animations have a positive impact on accessibility, like planning how they contribute to the overall UX and ease of use of...

Working with JavaScript Media Queries

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of media queries? Maybe something in a CSS file that looks like this: body {   background-color: plum; } 
 @media (min-width: 768px) {   body {     background-color: tomato;   } } CSS media queries are a core ingredient in any responsive...

Us Federal Court Ruling — Bitcoin Is a Form of Money

A US Federal Court said Friday that bitcoin is a form of money covered under the Washington D.C., Money Transmitters Act (MTA). The court made this conclusion as it denied a motion to dismiss criminal charges against Larry Dean Harmon, the operator of an underground bitcoin trading platform....

Levels of Fix

On the web, we have the opportunity to do work that fixes things for people. It’s fascinating to me how different the scope of those fixes can be. Consider the media query prefers-reduced-motion. Eric wrote: I think it’s also worth pointing out the true...

CSS background-repeat: round

The CSS spec is full of gems that sneak their way past most of us web designers and developers. Stuff like :focus-within, prefers-reduced-motion, and prefers-color-scheme suddenly make their way into CSS without us really finding out for months or years. One such example is background-repeat:...

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