
Nalezeno "andrew": 350

Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang Discusses His Plan for Cryptocurrencies

Presidential candidate Andrew Yang has detailed his plans to regulate the digital economy if he were to become the President of the United States. Yang’s recent blog post called “Regulating technology firms in the 21st century,” explains how the candidate believes current American...

Laying the Foundations

Here’s a new book by Andrew Couldwell all about design systems and his team’s experience at Sprout Social. For a while now they’ve been building Seeds, a brand guide that the internal team can and reference for brand and design-related things, including patterns, variables, and components....

Shots Fired as Nancy Pelosi Challenger Bacelar Funds Campaign With Crypto

27-year-old Agatha Bacelar is a Brazilian-American immigrant from a STEM background, and she’s targeting Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s seat in the California Congress (CA-12) in the next election cycle. Her campaign is seeking to raise $1 million in crypto (BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC...

What Google’s Quantum Breakthrough Means for Blockchain Cryptography

We’ve been warned for years that a quantum computing breakthrough is just around the corner. When that day comes, we’re told, it could render existing encryption standards obsolete, threatening the security of every major blockchain. It seems that day has finally arrived, with Google...

Send Token Payouts With Ease Using’s SLP Dividend Calculator

On August 23, released a new application called the SLP Dividend Calculator. The new platform allows users to build a transaction to make dividend payments to any Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) token holder. Also read: How to Create Non-Fungible Assets and Collectible Tokens With Bitcoin...

Advice for Technical Writing

In advance of a recent podcast with the incredible technical writer and Smashing Magazine editor-in-chief Rachel Andrew, I gathered up a bunch of thoughts and references on the subject of technical writing. So many smart people have said a lot of smart things over the years that I thought I'd round...

Elon Musk Supports Yang – But Does Andrew Yang Really Support Bitcoin?

There’s much talk about multi-billionaire innovator Elon Musk’s newly announced support for Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang. Yang, known as the Bitcoin-friendly choice for 2020, has a reputation for innovation with his unique stance on Universal Basic Income, emphatic...

Techloop spouští novou verzi, slibuje efektivnější nábor IT specialistů

Startup Techloop, jenž se zaměřuje na propojování firem s IT profesionály, čímž zefektivňuje nábor nových zaměstnanců, spustil novou verzi své platformy. Vylepšená služba přichází s inovacemi, díky kterým si mohou firmy vybírat z databáze 15 tisíc IT pracovníků, napřímo nabízet své volné pozice...

Hello Subgrid!

Rachel Andrew’s talk at CSSconf is wonderful because it digs into one of the most exciting changes that’s coming soon to a browser near you: subgrid! That’s a change to the CSS Grid spec that allows for much greater flexibility for our visual designs. Subgrid allows us to set one grid on an entire... Just Rebranded – Check out Our New Look

You may have noticed that is looking a little different. We’re excited to unveil our new look after six months of hard work. Our domain has a long history, and as a company we’ve grown a great deal. After consideration of the crypto future ahead of us all, we decided...

Why Cryptocurrency Investors Are Renouncing Their US Citizenship

Andrew Henderson is the founder of Nomad Capitalist, a company which helps people from around the world move to different countries while minimizing their tax obligations. In recent years the company has created plans for dozens of people who made their wealth from the cryptocurrency sector...

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