
Nalezeno "arrest": 335

Chinese Police Seize Thousands of Miners, Arrest Dozens of Scammers

In the last couple of days, Chinese media have reported on police forces in one province of the vast Asian country seizing close to 7,000 mining rigs using stolen electricity and in another province arresting 72 multi-level marketing scheme operators for alleged fraud. Also Read: Chinese Regulators...

Onecoin Websites Suspended as the $4 Billion Ponzi Crumbles

The MLM monitoring publication revealed on Dec. 1 that the infamous Ponzi scheme Onecoin’s website has gone offline. According to the domain host Eurid, the domain name is currently “under legal investigation.” Onecoin’s website going...

Crypto Community Erupts Over Ethereum Foundation Member’s Arrest

On Friday the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) announced the arrest of Ethereum Foundation member Virgil Griffith for allegedly “assisting North Korea in evading sanctions” by teaching “his audience how to use blockchain...

Plea Bargain Means Silk Road 2 Admin Will Likely See No Prison Time

Following the sentencing of Thomas White, the founder of the Silk Road 2 (SR2) marketplace during the first week of April, another SR2 administrator may evade prosecution. According to reports, SR2 admin Blake Benthall cooperated with global law enforcement and may only face fines for avoiding...

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