Detecting Fonts Ready
Knowing when resources are loaded is a key part of building functional, elegant websites. We’re used to using the DOMContentLoaded event (commonly referred to as “domready”) but did you know there’s an event that tells you when all fonts have loaded? Let’s learn how...
Payments Giant Visa Proposes Using Ethereum L2 Starknet to Bolster Auto Payments for Self-Custodial Wallets
Visa, the financial services corporation headquartered in San Francisco, California, published a blog post that talks about leveraging ethereum and the layer two (L2) scaling solution Starknet so people with self-custodial wallets can pay their bills. The blog post notes that while Ethereum doesnt...
Visa dreams up plans so you can auto-pay bills with your crypto wallet
Auto-payments for bills are commonplace in the traditional banking world and Visa has proposed a way to mimic the service using blockchain tech
Mythic Quest’s Charlotte Nicdao On How Gaming Is Like Acting
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Jak vznikalo první GTA? Autoři nevěřili v úspěch
Když před 25 lety vyšel první díl série Grand Theft Auto, autoři svému výtvoru moc nevěřili. Ti se nyní nemohou ani shodnout na tom, jak hra vznikala, vzhledem k jejímu stáří. Tak či onak vznikla jedna z nejúspěšnějších herních značek
Ranking All The Grand Theft Auto Games, From Worst To Best
The Grand Theft Auto franchise has been around for two decades now, and the series includes over a dozen titles. Some GTA games are excellent, others...not so much. Let’s take a moment to rank every GTA game, from worst to best.Read more
NFTs, Crypto Banned From GTA Online Servers
An update to publisher Take-Two’s “legal enforcement policy” for Grand Theft Auto Online was made late last week, which sought to clarify a whole bunch of boring legal and rights stuff, but which is also specifically cracking down on the sales of NFTs within the game.Read more
How to Internationalize Numbers with JavaScript
Presenting numbers in a readable format takes many forms, from visual charts to simply adding punctuation. Those punctuation, however, are different based on internationalization. Some countries use , for decimal, while others use .. Worried about having to code for all this madness? Don’t...
Takovou výbavu nemá ani auto. Volkswagen představil kancelářské křeslo snů. Hodně divokých snů…
Nelekejte se, Volkswagen zůstává u aut, to si jen norská pobočka střihla marketingové cvičení (tzv. „aby byl kontent na instáč“). Nicméně výsledek je tak praštěný, že opravdu stojí za zmínku.
Kancelářské křeslo je pojízdné a vzhledem k maximální rychlosti 20 km/h mu konstruktéři pro jistotu dali
There Could’ve Been A GTA Film With Eminem, But Rockstar Was Like ‘Nah’
The games industry is incredibly secretive, but that never stops folks from eventually spilling all the tea on the behind-the-scenes shenanigans at some of the biggest studios. Case in point: Did you know Rockstar Games once turned down a Grand Theft Auto film that would’ve starred rapper Marshall...
Nejbizarnější létající auto využívá obří rotory. Vyrobil ho čínský konkurent Tesly
Který prototyp létajícího auta je nejbizarnější? Pravděpodobně ten, který nedávno představil Xpeng – známý čínský výrobce elektromobilů a rival Muskovy Tesly.
Důvodem je skutečnost, že dotyčný prototyp – interně známý jako X3 – v podstatě vypadá jako úplně normální auto. Až na to, že disponuje
Je čas na šestku. Prodeje GTA V padají, stejně tak i akcie studia
Poslední finanční výsledky společnosti Take-Two napovídají, že už je čas opustit devět let starý díl série Grand Theft Auto. Práce na nástupci jsou nejspíše v plném proudu a vypadá to, že nedávný masivní únik hře tolik neuškodí
Napůl auto a napůl kolo: Jak se jezdí ve velomobilu?
Šlapací „auta“ zůstávala dlouhá léta obskurní zábavou pro pár podivínů. Nástup elektrických kol však naprosto změnil pravidla hry: Náhle se nabízel zcela praktický a ekologický způsob městské dopravy
Coinbase ETH stakers can auto-opt MEV rewards
Coinbase Cloud platform has taken a step to reward its users who are willing to stake their ETH holdings on the network. An additional reward by MEV-Boost, backed by Flashbots, will be automatically credited to Prime and Retail users. PBS, short for Proposer-Builder Separation, enables these...
Locate Empty Directories from Command Line
As a software engineer that lives too much of his life on a computer, I like keeping my machine as clean as possible. I don’t keep rogue downloaded files and removes apps when I don’t need them. Part of keeping a clean, performant system is removing empty directories. To identify empty...
How to Extend Prototypes with JavaScript
One of the ideological sticking points of the first JavaScript framework was was extending prototypes vs. wrapping functions. Frameworks like MooTools and Prototype extended prototypes while jQuery and other smaller frameworks did not. Each had their benefits, but ultimately all these years later...
Stablecoin HUSD Continues to Trade Below $1 Parity as Token Taps an All-Time Low at $0.72
After Huobi Global announced that it would be delisting the stablecoin HUSD and auto-converting customer balances 1:1 with tether tokens, the stablecoin asset has dropped significantly in value sliding to a low of $0.72 per unit. HUSD Remains Below the $1 Peg Another stablecoin is struggling...
Huobi Global to Delist HUSD — Stablecoin Slips Below $1 Parity to $0.89
On Thursday, the cryptocurrency exchange Huobi Global announced that the trading platform plans to delist the stablecoin HUSD and the delisting will begin at 08:00 (UTC) on October 28, 2022. Furthermore, users with HUSD held on the exchange will see their balances auto-converted to the stablecoin...
How to Use window.crypto in Node.js
I’ve been writing a bunch of jest tests recently for libraries that use the underlying window.crypto methods like getRandomValues() and window.crypto.subtle key management methods. One problem I run into is that the window.crypto object isn’t available, so I need to shim it. To use...
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius with JavaScript
The United States is one of the last bodies that refuses to implement the Celsius temperature standard. Why? Because we’re arrogant and feel like we don’t need to change. With that said, if you code for users outside the US, it’s important to provide localized weather data...