Cyberpunk 2077 On Ultra Low Settings Looks Like Pixel Hell
Continuing the fine work he’s done on previous games like The Witcher 3, the LowSpecGamer has picked up Cyberpunk, dropped all the settings to low and then gone further, poking around in the game’s code to turn one of the year’s most visually demanding titles into a blurry shitstain.Read more
Cyberpunk 2077 Execs Say They 'Ignored' Signals That The Console Versions They Hyped Were In Rough Shape
It’s clear by now that Cyberpunk 2077 is a bit of a disaster, especially on consoles. During a recent conference call with CD Projekt Group’s management board, executives said they knew the game was busted before its December 10 launch.Read more
CD Projekt Is Adjusting Cyberpunk 2077's 'Distracting' Amount Of Dildos
The first time I stepped out of my character’s apartment in Cyberpunk 2077, I expected to be greeted by a vast world of machine-powered possibility. Instead, I found a dildo. It was sitting next to a random NPC’s foot in my apartment building, near a discarded magazine and some other trash. “That’s...
CD Projekt Red Clears Up 'Misconceptions,’ Says No Special Refund Policy In Place For Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt Red managers clarified that refunds for Cyberpunk 2077 will be subject to existing retailer policies during a call with investors yesterday, and said the company is not encouraging anyone to return the game.Read more
Cyberpunk 2077 Developers Are Sorry The Game Is Shitty On PS4 And Xbox One
Did you buy Cyberpunk 2077 on last-gen consoles? I did! It’s buggy and looks rough. CD Projekt Red is now sorry about that. Read more
Cyberpunk Players Say They're Getting Refunds For A "Broken" Game
For some lucky people (like me, sorry!), Cyberpunk is running great and looks amazing. For many, though, especially on older hardware, it runs like shit and looks like ass. Not an ideal situation!Read more
Report: Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Will Now Receive Bonuses No Matter How It Reviews
CD Projekt executives said they accept responsibility for Cyberpunk 2077’s shortcomings in an email sent to staff earlier today, Bloomberg reports.Read more
Cyberpunk 2077 Gets Epilepsy Fix
Cyberpunk 2077 was updated today with a patch that, among other things, fixes the strobing effects that reportedly caused a Game Informer journalist to suffer an epileptic seizure.Read more
The Cyberpunk 2077 Review Drama
Cyberpunk 2077 is out in the wild. After eight long years the whole world can now judge it for themselves, through whichever perspective or tint of glasses they so choose. And best of all, for 99.9% of those players, they won’t ever have to justify their feelings to the rest of the audience.Read...
Cyberpunk 2077 Doesn't Let You Change Your Appearance Once You've Started
This is hilarious to me.Read more
The Best And Worst Choices We've Made In Cyberpunk 2077
After eight years of waiting and what felt like one million years of edgelord-baiting pre-release hype, Cyberpunk 2077 is finally out. The game is many things, but if nothing else, it is certainly vast. That in mind, Kotaku editor-at-large Riley Macleod, video wizard Michael Pasquariello, and I...
Plán Applu na autonomní vozidla ještě neumřel. Projekt má nového šéfa
Kolem „tajného“ Projektu Titan, v rámci kterého se Apple snaží vyvinout své vlastní autonomní vozidlo, bylo v poslední době ticho po pěšině. Neznamená to ale, že by se nic nedělo. Firma provedla důležité organizační změny, celý projekt nově připadl Johnu Giannandreovi, aktuálnímu šéfovi divize pro
[aktualita] Vzniká další internetový projekt na podporu umělců, videotéka ZaKulturou
Za několik dnů by měla odstartovat internetová videotéka ZaKulturou, která chce podpořit uměleckou scénu v době koronavirové pandemie. Vyplývá to z usnesení Rady pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání. Úřad nový projekt zapsal do databáze audiovizuálních mediálních služeb s předpokládaným zahájením...
Cyberpunk 2077 Is Looking Rough On PS4 And Xbox One At The Moment
I’ve spent an hour playing Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox One, and it hasn’t been pretty. Sometimes it’s been straight up ugly. Based on screenshots and footage other people are sharing online, I’m not alone.Read more
Some People Are Playing Cyberpunk 2077 A Day Early On Xbox By Switching Time Zones
Cyberpunk 2077 doesn’t officially release until 12:01 a.m. on December 10, but Xbox owners are already playing the game by manipulating their console’s time and location data.Read more
Cyberpunk 2077 Causes Seizure, Doesn’t Contain Warning
Game Informer associate editor Liana Ruppert reported yesterday that she suffered a grand mal seizure while playing a review copy of Cyberpunk 2077, due to the game’s use of various flashing visual effects. She wrote an article for the site advising players on how to avoid similar experiences...
Are You Going To Play Cyberpunk 2077?
It’s Monday and time for Ask Kotaku, the weekly feature in which Kotaku-ites deliberate on a single burning question. Then, we ask your take.Read more
CD Projekt Red daruje speciální verzi GeForce RTX 3080 s motivy hry Cyberpunk 2077
Už v únoru přichystala Nvidia speciální edici grafické karty GeForce RTX 2080 Ti s motivy hry Cyberpunk 2077, bohužel uvedení hry nabralo zpoždění tak velké, že Nvidia zatím uvedla novou generaci karet s architekturou Ampere. Vývojářské studio CD Project Red ale i na to stihlo reagovat a
Projekt ST - kapitola 12. - Závěr projektu
Projekt ST se nachýlil ke svému konci. Nezbývá než, než se nad ním zamyslet a shrnout své postřehy stran celého počítače a absolvovaných procedur. Jak jsem na začátku uvedl, tento projekt vznikl z důvodu, že mám rád staré počítače a jelikož jsem se ke svým vysněným strojům nemohl dostat jako dítě...
Projekt ST - kapitola 11. - Kabelový kabaret
V předposlední kapitole se pověnujeme nepříliš záživnému, ale neméně důležitému tématu – propojovacím kabelům. Prvním kabelem, který k počítači potřebujeme, je napájení. To u těchto modelů ST s integrovaným zdrojem je problém úplně nejmenší. Používají totiž dodnes běžný konektor C13, takže stejný...