
Nalezeno "reading": 348

CMC’s The Capital in Singapore: Top 10 Highlights

CoinMarketCap’s inaugural conference, The Capital, took place November 12-13 at the Victoria Theatre in Singapore.  In case you weren’t ableContinue Reading The post CMC’s The Capital in Singapore: Top 10 Highlights appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

[Updated] 1 of CMC’s The Capital: Top 5 Things That Happened

The first day of CoinMarketCap’s inaugural two-day conference, The Capital, fittingly ended with a conversation about the future potential —Continue Reading The post [Updated] 1 of CMC’s The Capital: Top 5 Things That Happened appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

Laying the Foundations

Here’s a new book by Andrew Couldwell all about design systems and his team’s experience at Sprout Social. For a while now they’ve been building Seeds, a brand guide that the internal team can and reference for brand and design-related things, including patterns, variables, and components....

What I Like About Vue

Dave Rupert digs into some of his favorite Vue features and one particular issue that he has with React: I’ve come to realize one thing I don’t particularly like about React is jumping into a file, reading the top for the state, jumping to the bottom to find the render function, then following...

Developing a robust font loading strategy for CSS-Tricks

Zach Leatherman worked closely with Chris to figure out the font loading strategy for this very website you're reading. Zach walks us through the design in this write-up and shares techniques that can be applied to other projects. Spoiler alert: Font loading is a complex and important part of...

The Many Ways to Include CSS in JavaScript Applications

Welcome to an incredibly controversial topic in the land of front-end development! I’m sure that a majority of you reading this have encountered your fair share of #hotdrama surrounding how CSS should be handled within a JavaScript application. I want to preface this post with a disclaimer: There...

Hey, let’s create a functional calendar app with the JAMstack

Hey, let's create a functional calendar app with the JAMstack I’ve always wondered how dynamic scheduling worked so I decided to do extensive research, learn new things, and write about the technical part of the journey. It’s only fair to warn you: everything I cover here is three weeks of research...

The difference between keyboard and screen reader navigation

There are a few differences between keyboards and screen readers and Léonie Watson highlights of them: When using the tab key, keyboard focus and screen reader focus are synchronised with each other. The rest of the time, screen reader users have an enormous range of commands at their disposal...

Footnotes That Work in RSS Readers

Feedbin is the RSS reader I'm using at the moment. I was reading one of Harry's blog posts on it the other day, and I noticed a nice little interactive touch right inside Feedbin. There was a button-looking element with the number one which, as it turned out, was a footnote. I hovered over it,...

Currently Reading: Progressive Web Apps by Jason Grisby

I’ve been reading Jason Grigsby’s new book on progressive web apps this past week and it’s exciting. Jason explains what PWAs are and how they work while while doing a bang-up job covering the business case for using them them, too. But perhaps you might be thinking that a PWA isn’t necessary...

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