
Nalezeno "data": 5670

EU Data Act Proposes Shutdown Function for Smart Contracts

The European Union has published its new Data Act, a law proposal that aims to regulate the generation and handling of data by the actors that harness it. The act, in its large scope, touches on the subject of smart contracts and proposes that every smart contract should have a termination function...

stc Bahrain to Bring Validated Data as It Joins Chainlink Network

stc Bahrain is known to focus on next-generation technology. Its list of innovations is quite vast. One move that validates this statement is its recent announcement where stc Bahrain stated that it was now live with its own node on the Chainlink Network. The node has gone live on the Ethereum...

Týden Živě: Windows 11 jsou na dobré cestě, levnější mobilní data nečekejte

Windows 11 načaly svůj život na Živě.cz recenzí, ve které se příliš nechválilo. Jaká je situace po pěti měsících? Pár změn přišlo, ale ty zásadní nás teprve čekají. Povídat si budeme také o zaražené regulaci, která měla přinést levnější mobilní data českému zákazníkovi. O co vlastně šlo, proč to

Trailing Slashes on URLs: Contentious or Settled?

A fun deep dive from Zach. Do you have an opinion on which you should use? 1) 2) The first option has a “trailing slash.” The second does not. I’ve always preferred this thinking: you use a trailing … Trailing Slashes...

Reliably Send an HTTP Request as a User Leaves a Page

On several occasions, I’ve needed to send off an HTTP request with some data to log when a user does something like navigate to a different page or submit a form. Consider this contrived example of sending some information to … Reliably Send an HTTP Request as a User Leaves a Page originally...

Swash Integrates the Filecoin Network for User Data Security

Swash integrates Filecoin’s decentralized storage network to preserve better and secure data that is critical to the digital economy. Swash will use Estuary to incorporate decentralized storage, which allows developers to upload data to Filecoin effortlessly. As the Swash app approaches...

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