Electroneum Price Analysis: Electroneum (ETN) Price Escalation To Book Newest Price Marks
Electroneum (ETN) has gained back the popularity by its current price momentum. The coin is anticipated to book new counters in the coming time. The same is indicated in the Electroneum chart. The crypto market holds hope from the ongoing month. The currencies were predicted to breach astounding...
Ledgerx Approved to Offer Regulated Bitcoin Derivatives to Retail Investors
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission has approved Ledgerx to offer physically-settled bitcoin spot and derivatives trading, previously available only to institutional investors, to retail investors of any size. Ledgerx explained that its new platform will share the same order book as...
Every Layout
Every Layout is a new work-in-progress website and book by Heydon Pickering and Andy Bell that explains how to make common layout patterns with CSS. They describe a lot of the issues when it comes to the design of these layouts, such as responsive problems and making sure we all write maintainable...
Book your date with Ampleforth Token Sale on 13th June, Register Soon!
Only, recently, Bitfinex forayed into the Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs) domain. And soon it launched its new service called Tokinex. The exchange reported that the new platform would release its first token launch on 23rd of this months and the second one will take place on the 13 of June....
[aktualita] Vychází kniha Porty, bajty, osmibity od Martina Malého. E-book je ke stažení zdarma
Martin Malý počátkem loňského roku vydal knihu Hradla, volty, jednočipy určenou zájemcům o elektroniku, číslicovou techniku a vlastní stavbu zařízení pro internet věcí. Na ní nyní navazuje druhým dílem nazvaným Porty, bajty, osmibity s podtitulem „Počítače na koleni“. Titul se zabývá tím,...
Currently Reading: Progressive Web Apps by Jason Grisby
I’ve been reading Jason Grigsby’s new book on progressive web apps this past week and it’s exciting. Jason explains what PWAs are and how they work while while doing a bang-up job covering the business case for using them them, too. But perhaps you might be thinking that a PWA isn’t necessary...
A Website is a Car and Not a Book
I’ve been wondering for a good long while why it feels like web design and development isn’t respected as much as native app development= and why the front-end role in many organizations is seen as a nice-to-have rather than a vital part of the business. Why is it so hard to see that this gig...
Základní Surface Book 2 dostane modernější a výkonnější procesor se čtyřmi jádry
Microsoft nejspíše chystá již velmi brzy upgradovat základní verzi Surface Book 2, který se nyní prodává se starším dvoujádrovým procesorem Intel Core i5-7300U s 14nm architekturou Kaby Lake.
I když zatím neproběhlo žádné oficiální ohlášení, na německém e-shopu se již nečekaně objevila
Using Slack Slash Commands to Send Data from Slack into Google Sheets
Since I work from home, most of my daily work interactions happen through Slack. It’s my equivalent to the water cooler. A place to hang out and discuss ideas with friends. I’m part of a book recommendations channel. People share books all the time, but they disappear quickly, lost in a sea...
The Slow and Steady Refactor
Over the past week or so, I’ve been reading Refactoring by Martin Fowler and it’s all about how to make sweeping changes to a large codebase in a way that doesn’t cause everything to break. I bring this up because there’s a lot of really good notes in this book that have challenged my recent...
Successful WordPress Freelancing
Andy Adams released a book for aspiring WordPress freelancers. It's meant to take a lot of the guesswork and the roadblocks that many folks often hit when making the decision to fly solo and rely on WordPress development for a stable source of work and income.
Aside from being included in it (and...
[článek] Jak bude internet vypadat za 20 let? Stáhněte si e-book k 20 letům serveru
[1 minuta čtení] Server si loni připomněl 20. výročí založení. V sadě textů jsme se proto snažili předpovědět, jak by mohl internet vypadat za dalších 20 let. Stáhněte si je nyní jako e-book. První texty Lupy si mohli čtenáři přečíst ve čtvrtek 2. dubna 1998. I proto jsme loni ve stejnou...
What bit of advice would you share with someone new to your field?
The most FA of all the FAQs.
Here's Laura Kalbag:
Find what you love. Don’t worry about needing to learn every language, technique or tool. Start with what interests you, and carve your own niche. And then use your powers for good!
And my own:
Buy a domain name. Figure out how to put an HTML file...
Ikonický hybrid Microsoft Surface Book v redakci. Jaký je?
Surface Book je vrchol řady Surface od Microsoftu • V základně je herní grafika
• V tabletu zase rychlý procesor
Free E-book: Modernize for Mobile Apps
(This is a sponsored post.)
No sign up required to read the free e-book.
Building modern apps (mobile, PWAs or Single Page Apps) that connect to legacy or enterprise systems is a pain. We put together an e-book that discusses the various options for how to make it all work. Here are some of...
More Unicode Patterns
Creating is the most intense excitement one can come to know.
—Anni Albers, On Designing
I recently wrote a post — that was shared here on CSS-Tricks — where I looked at ways to use Unicode characters to create interesting (and random) patterns. Since then, I’ve continued to seek...
Nejlepší notebook pro Windows? Neokoukaný Surface Book 2 funguje výborně
Microsoft si i na českém trhu drží dominantní postavení mezi desktopovými operačními systémy, ale jeho notebooky jsou zde zastoupeny jen výjimečně. A je to škoda, Surface Book 2 je totiž opravdu fajn notebook
Nejlepší notebook pro Windows? Neokoukaný Surface Book 2 funguje výborně
Microsoft si i na českém trhu drží dominantní postavení mezi desktopovými operačními systémy, jeho notebooky jsou zde ale zastoupeny jen výjimečně. A je to škoda, Surface Book 2 je totiž opravdu fajn notebook
Yoga Book není mrtvý, Lenovo ideu notebooku se senzorovou klávesnicí oživuje
Lenovo zjevně pracuje na druhé generaci zařízení Yoga Book, které bylo pozoruhodným hybridem mezi notebookem a tabletem. Klávesnici totiž výrobce nahradil dotykovou plochou, která mohla sloužit jako senzorová klávesnice, nebo dotyková plocha pro přesné kreslení stylusem.
Yoga Book se objevil
Foreword for CSS In Depth
Keith Grant recently released a brand new book on CSS: CSS in Depth. If you're looking for a book focused specifically on learning CSS, you've found it. I was happy to write the foreword for it, which I'll republish here.
"A minute to learn... A lifetime to master." That phrase might feel...