
Nalezeno "P2P": 471

BTC to INR: P2P Bitcoin Marketplaces Growing in India

Ever since the supreme court quashed the banking restriction imposed by the central bank, interest in cryptocurrency has been rising in India, including on peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplaces. The local crypto community is growing despite the nationwide lockdown and rising covid-19 threat. Also read:...

Will New P2P Legislation Hurt South Korean DeFi Industry?

South Korean decentralized finance (DeFi) players have called for calm after some experts claimed that forthcoming legislation could effectively hamstring the nation’s fledgling DeFi market. Many industry insiders have expressed alarm over a recent amendment made to a digital finance act pertaining...

12 Platforms Allowing You to Trade Gift Cards With Cryptocurrencies

In an emergency situation like the current coronavirus pandemic, anything can turn into currency as the fiat system may experience cash shortages and devaluation. Cryptocurrency users have options to trade bitcoin beyond traditional money. A number of platforms will let you exchange...

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