
Nalezeno "Property": 522

Float an Element to the Bottom Corner

Need to lay out an element to the right or the left, such that text wraps around it? That’s an easy task for the float property. But what about if you also want to push that element (let’s call it … The post Float an Element to the Bottom Corner appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Spain’s First Tokenized Property Sells for ETH to Investors in 3 Countries

A “tokenized” apartment has been bought for ethereum (ETH) in Spain by domestic and international buyers – seemingly making it the first property in the nation to change hands in a purely crypto-funded deal. Per El Correo Web, the apartment is located in Seville, and involved the Spanish crypto...

Image Fragmentation Effect With CSS Masks and Custom Properties

Geoff shared this idea of a checkerboard where the tiles disappear one-by-one to reveal an image. In it, an element has a background image, then a CSS Grid layout holds the “tiles” that go from a filled background color to … The post Image Fragmentation Effect With CSS Masks and Custom...

Exploring @property and its Animating Powers

Uh, what’s @property? It’s a new CSS feature! It gives you superpowers. No joke, there is stuff that @property can do that unlocks things in CSS we’ve never been able to do before. While everything about @property is exciting, … The post Exploring @property and its Animating Powers appeared...

Is CSS float deprecated?

An interesting conversation came up at work the other day: Should we use the CSS float property now that we have CSS Grid and Flexbox? The short answer No! Well, mostly. I’d only use it today for wrapping text around … The post Is CSS float deprecated? appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Earn Money by Selling NFT Properties in Upland

PRESS RELEASE. Hidden among a press release published on November 10, 2020 is one of the most significant developments in blockchain history: By partnering with Tilia Pay,, a virtual property metaverse that offers true ownership of NFT property parcels mapped to real addresses, has taken...

SVG within CSS

Stefan Judis has a “Today I Learned” (TIL) post explaining how SVGs filters can be inlined in CSS. The idea is that CSS has the filter property which supports some built-in functions, like grayscale(100%) and stuff like that. But … The post SVG within CSS appeared first...

Animating a CSS Gradient Border

This little trick for gradient borders is super useful: .border-gradient { border: 5px solid; border-image-slice: 1; border-image-source: linear-gradient(to left, #743ad5, #d53a9d); } Here’s some basic demos from our article on the subject. Sephanie Eckles was sharing around the idea...

Some Typography Blog Posts I’ve Bookmarked and Read Lately

Font-size: An Unexpectedly Complex CSS Property — From Manish Goregaokar in 2017. Of many oddities, I found the one where font: medium monospace renders at 13px where font: medium sans-serif renders at 16px particularly weird. The good line-height — Since … The post Some Typography Blog...

Collective #647

Mutsuacen * New aspect-ratio CSS property * Fusuma * Dark Patterns in UI Copy 2021 The post Collective #647 appeared first on Codrops

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