Coinbase Study Says 56% of Top 50 Universities Have Crypto Classes
Compared to last year, twice as many university students, or 18 percent, partook in a crypto or blockchain class
Blockchain Education Initiatives Launch at California Universities
A VC-backed blockchain firm that helped curate courses at Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge is rolling out programs at three California universities
Japan’s Gifu University Initiates Research on DPSC, Planning to Use NEM Blockchain for Traceability and Security
Blockchain’s various use-cases have always surprised us and have taken us to newer developments as a society. Recently, Japan’s Gifu University has initiated an interesting step that involves the blockchain technology and dental industry. The ‘ShizuiNet traceability’ project- The Associate...
Ripple Extends University Investment Program to Japan
Ripple Labs UBRI program adds two new universities amidst increasing pressure from market incumbents
Curtin University to Accept Cryptocurrency-Based Funds for Ph.D. Program
The Australian University Curtin has introduced an innovative cryptocurrency Ph.D. scholarship fund. The data scientist of Curtin has designed the program in the way that companies and individuals can donate to fund the Ph.D. students studying subjects like cybersecurity, blockchain, and data...
Ripple Ranks 13th On The SFBT Philanthropy Awards List, $25m Donation To SF University A Reason
Ripple has been having claimed the 13th spot in the San Francisco Business Times (SFBT) Philanthropy Awards. The platform has been doing some great philanthropic work in the last few months, which has got well-deserved recognition. Ripple is #13 on the #SFBTphilanthropy list! “We have an obligation...
Arizona State University to Use SalesForce Blockchain for Academic Records
Arizona State University is working with local community colleges on leveraging blockchain to innovate data sharing for academic records
Canadian University to Issue Blockchain-Based Diplomas to Class of 2019
A Canadian university will issue blockchain copies of its diplomas to its graduating class this spring, providing easily verified documents for students and employers
Canadian University Offers Graduate Training in Blockchain Tech
The University of British Columbia is offering a new training path through its Blockchain@UBC research cluster, aiming to educate students on blockchain solutions
University of British Columbia Adds Blockchain Program for Master’s and PhD Students
One of Canada’s leading research universities is launching a blockchain tech training path for graduate students
BlockchainArmy and Aydin University sign MOU to Develop Blockchain Center and Academy
Blockchain Market Leader Blockchainarmy has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Istanbul Aydin University for Blockchain center and academy. Blockchainarmy partnered with Istanbul Aydin University to create and develop a Blockchain center and academy for a bright future. Blockchainarmy...
Irish University to Offer Blockchain Master’s Degree Following New Partnership
Ireland has a new master’s program in blockchain tech, co-developed by ICT Skillnet and Dublin City University for professionals in the IT field
US Ivy League University Rolls Out Online Course in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania has rolled out an online program dubbed “Fintech: Foundations and Applications of Financial Technologies”
A UK University Is ‘Fingerprinting’ National Archives With Blockchain
A British university and the Open Data Institute have built a blockchain system to secure records of national video archives against tampering
Application Holotypes
It's entirely too common to make broad-sweeping statements about all websites. Jason Miller:
We often make generalizations about applications we see in the wild, both anecdotal and statistical: "Single-Page Applications are slower than multipage" or "apps with low TTI loaded fast". However,...
[aktualita] Summit Singularity University se po roce vrací do Prahy
Po loňském premiérovém ročníku proběhne letos v dubnu v Praze na Žofíně druhý ročník summitu americké Singularity Univerzity. Do Prahy má přijet asi dvacítka expertů v oborech jako je umělá inteligence, genetika, mobilita, bankovnictví či biotechnologie, kteří budou přednášet o svých vizích...
Co je vůbec AI? University of Helsinki spustila online kurz zdarma
Umělá inteligence se v posledních letech stává opravdovým buzzwordem. Ostatně, dokazujeme to i my na Těchinternetech. Co to ale vůbec je, jak se bude vyvíjet v nejbližších letech a jaké dopady bude mít na naši práci a životy? Na tyto otázky plánuje odpovědět University of Helsinki, která spustila...
Singularity University přichází do Prahy. České startupy se ukáží před světovou tech špičkou
Nejlepší způsob, jak předpovídat budoucnost, je vytvořit ji. Takové je heslo Singularity University, globální vzdělávací a inovační komunity s kořeny v Silicon Valley. Jejím cílem je využít technologie na řešení největších problémů lidstva. V Praze teď organizuje SingularityU Czech Summit,...
[aktualita] V Praze proběhne summit vizionářské Singularity University ze Silicon Valley
Umělá inteligence, robotika, neurověda, blockchain, ale také třeba budoucnost kriminality či hacking. To mají být témata, o kterých se bude mluvit na SingularityUCzechia Summitu. Za konferencí stojí Singularity University, think tank ze Silicon Valley založený v roce 2008 podnikatelem Peterem...
[článek] James Williams (University of Oxford): Technologie mají pracovat pro nás, ne proti nám
Obchodní cíle informačních technologií je třeba sladit s potřebami lidí, než bude příliš pozdě. James Williams hledá způsoby, jak na to. James Williams vystoupil jako hlavní zahraniční řečník na nedávné konferenci Czech Internet Forum 2017, kde promluvil o tom, jak nám ekonomické prostředí založené...