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It’s all relative.

I remember sitting in the back seat of our family’s Subaru station wagon. I was six and this was long before child carseats were a thing. My dad was at the wheel and my mom played 20 Questions with me while we drove to some vacation spot I can’t even remember. It was my mom’s turn...

Using CSS Custom Properties to Adjust Variable Font Weights in Dark Mode

Black isn’t always slimming. When recently testing a dark mode option for one of my sites, I experienced first-hand the issue that Robin Rendle addresses in this article. All of my page text — headings and body copy — appeared to bulk up when I switched to dark mode. And it didn’t matter what fonts...

Happier HTML5 form validation in Vue

It’s kind of neat that we can do input:invalid {} in CSS to style an input when it’s in an invalid state. Yet, used exactly like that, the UX is pretty bad. Say you have <input type="text" required>. That’s immediately invalid before the user has done anything....

Under-Engineered Responsive Tables

I first blogged about responsive data tables in 2011. When responsive web design was first becoming a thing, there were little hurdles like data tables that had to be jumped. The nature of <table> elements are that they have something a minimum width depending on the content they contain...

Native CSS Masonry Layout In CSS Grid

Rachel Andrew introducing the fact that masonry layout is going to be a thing in native CSS via CSS grid layout. The thing with masonry is that we can already do it for the most part, but there is just one thing that makes it hard: doing the vertical-staggering and having a left-to-right source...

How You Might Build a Modern Day Webring

I’m sure different people picture different things when they think about webrings, so let me clarify what I picture. I see an element on a website that: Signifies this site is part of a webring Allows you to move to the next or previous site of the webring Maybe has other functionality like...

Gray Burst

I made this neat little gray burst thing. It’s nothing particularly special, especially compared to the amazing creativity on CodePen, but I figured I could document some of the things happening in it for learning reasons. CodePen Embed Fallback It’s SVG SVG has <line x1 y1...

WordPress and Jamstack

I recently moderated a panel at Netlify’s virtual Jamstack Conf that included Netlify CEO Matt Biilman and Automattic founder Matt Mullenweg. The whole thing was built up — at least to some — as a “Jamstack vs. WordPress” showdown. I have lots of thoughts of my own on this...

Smarter Ways to Generate a Deep Nested HTML Structure

Let’s say we want to have the following HTML structure: <div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'</div</div</div</div</div That’s real a pain to write manually. And the reason why this post was born was being...

Parsel: A tiny, permissive CSS selector parser

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, gosh, self, I wish I could have an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of this CSS selector, Lea has your back. If you’ve ever thought that same thing for an entire CSS file, that’s what PostCSS is, which has gone v8. PostCSS doesn’t do anything...

How to Create an Async Function

One thing I love about JavaScript is that there are many ways to accomplish the same task, one such example being creating functions. There are several patterns for functions; one of the last you see used is the new Function method: /* new Function(arg1, arg2 (...), body) */ const myFunction =...

Editing HTML Like A Boss In VS Code

Here’s a seven minute video from Caleb Porzio that focuses on some of Emmet‘s HTML editing features. You might think of Emmet as that thing that expands abbreviations like table.stats>tr*3>td*3 into glorious, expanded, and perfect HTML. But Emmet has other HTML editing trickery...

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