
Nalezeno "websites": 448

Buy Presents or a Christmas Trip Using Gift Cards Purchased With Crypto

Gift cards have become a popular payment tool for cryptocurrency users. Plenty of platforms now offer a wide variety of cards which can be purchased with your digital coins. You can use them to buy just about any product or service from major and small retailers, order food and drinks, or book...

Onecoin Websites Suspended as the $4 Billion Ponzi Crumbles

The MLM monitoring publication revealed on Dec. 1 that the infamous Ponzi scheme Onecoin’s website has gone offline. According to the domain host Eurid, the domain name is currently “under legal investigation.” Onecoin’s website going...

Web Scraping Made Simple With Zenscrape

Web scraping has always been taken care of by actual developers, since a lot of coding, proxy management and CAPTCHA-solving is involved. However, the scraped data is very often needed by people that are non-coders: Marketers, Analysts, Business Developers etc. Zenscrape is an easy-to-use...

iOS 13 Broke the Classic Pure CSS Parallax Technique

I know. You hate parallax. You know what we should hate more? When things that used to work on the web stop working without any clear warning or idea why. Way back in 2014, Keith Clark blogged an exceptionally clever CSS trick where you essentially use a CSS transform to scale an element down...

We are Programmers

Building websites is programming. Writing HTML and CSS is programming. I am a programmer, and if you're here, reading CSS-Tricks, chances are you're a programmer, too. The thing is, the details in programming layout with CSS are different, for example, than the details in programming API endpoints...

The New Good Ol’ Days

Eighteen years into this game, I love to reminisce back to the good ol’ days of the early to mid-2000s when there was an explosion of creativity on the web. It felt fresh and unbridled, with boundaries expected to be pushed at every turn, and they were. This was mainly down to one thing, the thing...

Everything and Nothing

I've been thinking about the question for a solid month now. What about building websites has you interested this year? The question pervaded my solitary thoughts and played in the background during my conversations. I’d love to just tell you the answer I’ve come to, but the more interesting part...

Smarter Design Systems Tools

What has me really excited about building websites is largely around design systems and the design tools we use to build them. Though, design systems are certainly not limited to websites. Closing the Gap In the ever-so-hot-right-now world of design systems, one of the most common phrases people...

The future is bright, because the future is static

I've been doing this web thing for money for 10 years this year and although I haven’t been around as long as some folks, I feel like I've seen a few cycles come and go now, so let's say that hot new things are often cynically viewed, initially. This milestone of mine has also got me in...

Inspirational Websites Roundup #10

Get some website inspiration with this set of beautiful and modern site designs freshly picked over the past few weeks. Inspirational Websites Roundup #10 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

JAMstack, Fugu, and Houdini

What has me really excited about building websites recently is the fact that we, as front-end developers, have the power to do so much more. Only a few years ago, I would need a whole team of developers to accomplish what can now be done with just a few amazing tools. Although...

The Tools are Here

Heading into 2020, it occurs to me that I've now been making websites for 20 years. Looking back on that time, it seems as though our practices have been in near-constant churn, and that our progress did not always seem linear. But ultimately, even the missteps and tangents along the way have...

Teaching CSS

I've been using CSS as a web developer since CSS became something we could actually use. My first websites were built using <font> tags and <table>s for layout. I remember arguments about whether this whole CSS thing was a good idea at all. I was quickly convinced, mostly due to...

The Kind of Development I Like

I'm turning 40 next year (yikes!) and even though I've been making websites for over 25 years, I feel like I'm finally beginning to understand the kind of development I like. Expectedly, these are not new revelations and my views can be summed up by two older Computer Science adages that pre-date...

2 New Blog Sites That Allow Users to Earn Cryptocurrencies

During the last few years, cryptocurrency enthusiasts have explored blogging and content publishing websites that are powered by digital currencies. Recently, two new publishing websites that utilize cryptocurrencies have been gathering traction. The crypto powered blogging platform Publish 0x pays...

Thoughts After Looking at the Web Almanac’s Chapter on CSS

Woah, I didn't see this coming! The HTTP Archive dropped this big "state of the web" report called Web Almanac with guest writers exploring data from 5.8 million websites. Una Kravetz and Adam Argyle wrote the CSS chapter. The point is to squeeze a digestible amount of insight out of a mountain's...

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