
Nalezeno "2019": 3829

Challenging Veteran Chinese Cryptocurrency Exchanges at Utomarket

Offering competitive trading conditions and a wide range of services to satisfy the needs of demanding clients as they evolve The Chinese cryptocurrency exchange industry experienced a hard blow in 2017 when the government introduced a blanket ban on cryptocurrencies […] The post Challenging...

Awesome Demos Roundup #3

The third collection of beautiful, creative experiments that we've found around the web. Awesome Demos Roundup #3 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Collective #507

Developer Survey Results 2019 * Well-aimed? * Perflink * UX Agenda * Spider * Color accessibility tools * Citybound Collective #507 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Under-Engineered Toggles

Toggles. Switches. Whatever you want to call them, they've been with us for some time and have been a dominant a staple for many form interfaces. They're even baked right into many CSS frameworks, including Bootstrap and Foundation. It's easy to think of them in binary terms: on and off. Off...

How to Create a Sticky Image Effect with Three.js

A recreation of the sticky image effect seen on the websites of MakeReign and Ultranoir using three.js. How to Create a Sticky Image Effect with Three.js was written by Daniel Velasquez and published on Codrops

Programátoři všech jazyků, přijďte na Jobs Dev 2019

Již potřetí můžete bez větší námahy nakouknout přímo do programátorských týmů velkých firem. V sobotu 18. května se koná další veletrh práce pro programátory Jobs Dev 2019 spolu konferencí. Prezentovat se zde budou firmy skrze své vlastní programátory. Během jediného dne se tak dozvíte...

GPS satelity restartovaly svůj čas, některé navigace mohou zlobit

Jednou za 1024 týdnů, tedy přibližně 19 let a osm měsíců, je nutné restartovat hodiny v GPS satelitech. Tato událost však může „zamotat hlavu“ mnohým zařízením a aplikacím, které časový signál z GPS satelitů využívají. Takzvaný „GPS rollower“ nejspíše proběhl před několika hodinami.Další články...

Revisiting the Rendering Tier

Have you ever created a well-intentioned, thoughtful design system only to watch it grow into an ever-increasing and scary codebase? I've been working in sort of the opposite direction, inheriting the scary codebase and trying to create a thoughtful system from it. Here's Alex Sanders on the topic...

2019: Year of the DEX

Is the winter of cryptocurrency prices the golden age of blockchain technology? Welcome 2019, the year of Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) From the CMC editorial team: We’ve heard lots of hype around DEXes billing 2019 as the year that they might […] The post 2019: Year of the DEX appeared...

Inspirational Websites Roundup #3

A fresh selection of unique web designs from around the web. Our third creative websites compilation to get you inspired. Inspirational Websites Roundup #3 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

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