10 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for March 2019
The newest installment of our monthly web dev collection is here and it is packed with amazing new frameworks, useful tools and other awesome resources
Some Notes About Accessibility
Earlier this month Eric Bailey wrote about the current state of accessibility on the web and why it felt like fighting an uphill battle:
As someone with a good deal of interest in the digital accessibility space, I follow WebAIM’s work closely. Their survey results are priceless insights into...
Amper 2019: Velká galerie z největšího veletrhu nejen pro bastlíře
Po roce je tu opět Amper, veletrh elektrotechniky a automatizace • Prošli jsme ho za vás; podívejte se na velkou galerii • Letos zde najdete i nás na stánku Computer Stage
CoinMarketCap cryptocurrency benchmark indices to launch on NASDAQ, Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters today
CoinMarketCap will launch two comprehensive headline indices calculated and administered by Solactive, the German index provider Today, we will be launching two cryptocurrency benchmark indices on NASDAQ GIDS, Bloomberg Terminals, Thomson Reuters Eikon (Refinitiv), and Börse Stuttgart. These...
Chrome Lite Pages
The Chrome team announced a new feature called Lite Pages that can be activated by flipping on the Data Saver option on an Android device:
Chrome on Android’s Data Saver feature helps by automatically optimizing web pages to make them load faster. When users are facing network or data constraints...
Konference Security společnosti AEC letos nabídla nebývalé spektrum témat
Poslední únorový den proběhl v Praze 27. ročník mezinárodní konference Security 2019. Největší nezávislou akci svého druhu v České republice uspořádala již tradičně společnost AEC. Celkem 22 přednášek na téma kybernetické bezpečnosti, rozdělených do dvou paralelně probíhajících sekcí – technické...
React Starter: Getting Started with React (2019 Edition)
React is the uber popular JavaScript library that is almost everywhere you look these days. Learning React opens up a whole new way to build front-end experiences like websites, mobile apps, and mo
Would you buy a sports team token? Here are the results
On Thursday, we worked with the team at Chiliz and, a tokenized voting platform for sports teams, to run a Twitter poll to see whether the CoinMarketCap community would be interested in buying, trading or using a utility token […]
The post Would you buy a sports team token? Here...
Life After Trading: Cryptocurrencies In Everyday Life
Part 3 of 3 in the Digital Gold on the Blockchain series From the CMC editorial desk: Continuing where we left off in the second post, we explore the potential of cryptocurrencies in day-to-day life. Cryptocurrencies were launched into the […]
The post Life After Trading: Cryptocurrencies...
The Benefits of Structuring CSS Around Appearance and Layout
I like this point that Jonathan Snook made on Twitter and I’ve been thinking about it non-stop because it describes something that’s really hard about writing CSS:
I feel like that tweet sounds either very shallow or very deep depending on how you look at it but in reality, I don't think...
Designing An Aspect Ratio Unit For CSS
Rachel Andrew says that the CSS Working Group designed an aspect ration unit at a recent meeting. The idea is to find an elegant solution to those times when we want the height of an element to be calculated in response to the width of the element, or vice versa.
Say, for example, we have a grid...
A DEX Like No Other
Liquidity, Speed, and Privacy at the Click of a Button The first generation of decentralized exchanges (DEXs) promised to revolutionize cryptocurrency trading. Finally, users would be able to buy and sell peer-to-peer, without a middleman or any centralized entity threatening […]
The post...
Awesome Demos Roundup #2
The second edition of our collection of creative demos and experiments for your inspiration.
Awesome Demos Roundup #2 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Jaké potřebuji zadání?
Možná řešíte stejný problém. (Možná ne.) Jaké zadání potřebuji dostat? Co by mělo splňovat takové ideální správné zadání? Pojďme se na to podívat
Image Distortion Effects with SVG Filters
Three distortion effects powered by SVG filters that are applied to an image when hovering a link.
Image Distortion Effects with SVG Filters was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Spoják #9 – #10: CSS slibuje matematiku. Promise.any slíbí cokoliv.
Heslovitě: Git 2.21. Go 1.12. Flutter 1.2. Promise.any([...]). Matematika v CSS. Win10 Sandbox. Package Diff. Play.js. Flexbox vs grid. Standard C++20. Sparksoniq. GHIDRA
Accessibility is not a “React Problem”
Leslie Cohn-Wein's main point:
While [lots of divs, inline styles, focus management problems] are valid concerns, it should be noted that nothing in React prevents us from building accessible web apps.
True. I'm quite capable (and sadly, guilty) of building inaccessible interfaces with React...
Get Started with Node: An Introduction to APIs, HTTP and ES6+ JavaScript
Jamie Corkhill has written this wonderful post about Node and I think it’s perhaps one of the best technical articles I’ve ever read. Not only is it jam-packed with information for folks like me who aren't writing JavaScript everyday, it is also incredibly deliberate as Jamie slowly walks through...
Apple začne brýle pro rozšířenou realitu vyrábět už letos. Prodej by dle analytiků mohl začít začátkem roku 2019
Apple už několikrát potvrdil, že několik let pracuje na technologii pro rozšířenou realitu a s velkou pravděpodobností lze předpokládat, že výsledným produktem budou lehké brýle. Tim Cook se již dříve vyjádřil, že brýle pro rozšířenou realitu začnou být podle něj masově populární dříve, než
6 Up and Coming Web Design Trends in 2019
Every year and even every few months, new design trends pop up. Personally, I love watching other creative people devise new takes on design. Today, we’ll discuss 6 up...
The post 6 Up and Coming Web Design Trends in 2019 appeared first on Onextrapixel