Owning Fiat Just Got More Expensive – NIRP Strikes Again
With the recent Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) announcement that even more customers will be charged to hold money in their banks, people are scrambling to find ways to preserve their wealth, while USB and others scramble to dam the losses resulting from national negative interest rate policy...
How Crypto YouTuber Scammed a Scammer and Donated the Money to Charity
Ben Perrin. Source: a video screenshot, YouTube, BTC Sessions
When scammers try to take people’s bitcoin out of their wallets on great promises of even greater fortune, some intended victims turn the scam around on the scammer.
Such is the case with Ben Perrin, the marketing director at bitcoin...
Bitcoin Safe Haven Sucking in Money From China, Says Blockchain Executive
Bitcoin is becoming a safe haven asset during trade war
Canadian Bitcoin Educator Outwits Scammer, Donates Money to Charity
A Canadian Bitcoin educator scammed a crypto scammer and sent the money to charity
Thailand Government Plans to Amend AML Laws to Prevent Illicit Activities using Cryptocurrencies
Regulator of Thailand declared that the controller would make changes in the regulation to avoid crypto use for unlawful operations, a local news outlet said. Besides, he declared that AMLO would concentrate on revising existing anti-money evasion regulations to counteract the utilization...
[aktualita] PayPal v Česku spouští Money Pools, umožní sdílet prostředky v malém kolektivu
Služba Money Pools slouží k vytváření společných finančních zdrojů pro sdílené výdaje v menších privátních kolektivech, typicky například v rodině, s kolegy nebo přáteli. Služba umožňuje na běžném PayPal účtu shromažďovat prostředky na společné výdaje, například na dovolenou nebo k úhradě...
How Governments Steal Your Money and Conceal It Through Inflation
Dozens of countries all over the world have used the same trick called redenomination to hide how they have stolen their own citizens’ money through inflation or hyperinflation. The next nation to try this economic sleight of hand is the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also Read:...
Thailand to Bring Cryptocurrency Under Anti-Money Laundering Rules
Thailand's anti-money laundering regulator is planning to amend the country's laws to mandate reporting by cryptocurrency exchanges
The Modern Era of Free Range Slaves: How Bitcoin Breaks the Mold
In a string of recent Tweets, 2020 Libertarian presidential candidate and fugitive from the law John McAfee has been talking about slavery. Urging people to “wake up” and assuring them that neither compliance with the status quo, nor stacks of riches, can set them free. Indeed, when...
Revolut spouští slíbené obchodování s akciemi. Nakupovat bude možné třeba i za jediný dolar
Revolut dnes oficiálně spouští v Evropě službu pro obchodování s akciemi. Nejdřív se k ní dostanou někteří zákazníci s kartou Metal, v příštích týdnech i ti s účty Standard a Premium. Minimum pro prováděné investice přitom neexistuje, takže nakupovat bude možné třeba i za jeden dolar. “Investování...
Market Outlook: Crypto Prices Consolidate as Economic Uncertainty Looms
Digital currency markets have been meandering sideways for a few days as most of the top crypto prices have been consolidating. Some traders believe there will be a big bullish rise after the current slump, while others think crypto prices may sink even lower. Amidst the crypto market uncertainty...
Is Bitcoin Money? Revisiting Mises’ Regression Theorem
Over 100 years after the publication of Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises’ “The Theory of Money and Credit,” the ideas outlined therein are still sparking hot debate. Namely, what is known as Mises’ Regression Theorem, which claims that in order for something to be money...
US, EU and Japan Could Trigger ‘Cold Currency War’ by Debasing Fiat
The world’s major central banks are waging war to determine who can make their respective fiat currency weaker. With the likelihood of even more money printing and negative interest rates ahead, people need to be ready to see the value of their money evaporate and the price of everything else...
Sorry, I Don’t Want to Pay for More Bombs: Bitcoin as a Hedge Against Funding War
After nearly two decades of U.S.-led coalition bombs falling on the Middle East, peace in the region still has not been achieved. Now the United States is once again bolstering military forces, this time in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, taxpayers in multiple countries are being forced to pay for these...
The Myth of Authority: Mnuchin Denies USD Is Used Criminally
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has once again weighed in on bitcoin, claiming the U.S. dollar has not been used to finance “nefarious” activity on a recent episode of CNBC’s Squawk Box. Democratic House Representative Maxine Waters also dropped a tasty nugget of...
Money and Democracy: How the Elite Manipulated Ledgers and Created a Social Ranking System
Money is one of the most important but least understood manmade tools in existence. For more than 5,000 years humans have used a tool of exchange called money to facilitate trade. During this timespan, the evolution of money has evolved into a system of information, a social contract, and a ranking...
How the Blockchain Stops Cheaters: Cryptocurrency and Provably Fair Gaming
Online casinos and betting sites have proliferated since the first of their kind came on the scene in 1994. Thanks to the convenience of playing from home, the allure of winning real money, and a degree of privacy, these popular sites continue to evolve. There have been major problems, though...
With Carbon Money, You can now Buy Cryptos on TRON within the App
Yesterday, Justin Sun, the founder of TRON and the current CEO of BitTorrent; announced on Twitter about the latest integration with Carbon. Carbon is a FinTech company based in New York. The company’s vision is to make blockchain apps more user-friendly. Its area of focus is on the payments...
Money Laundering Fines Worth Billions Help Bankers Avoid Prosecution and Unpleasant Labels
The recent seizure of a cargo ship owned by JP Morgan, a vessel loaded with 20 tons of cocaine according to latest accounts, highlighted the risks of banks’ involvement in illicit activities, inadvertent or otherwise. And although U.S. authorities released the MSC Gayane after the owner,...
Japan Has FATF Green Light to Create ‘SWIFT Network’ for Crypto: Report
Japan is said to be leading the creation of an international cryptocurrency payments network similar to banking network SWIFT