
Nalezeno "AI company": 3781

Bitmain Launches Low-Cost Special Edition Antminer S9

On Monday, June 17, the Chinese mining rig manufacturer Bitmain Technologies announced the launch of a low-cost miner called the Antminer S9 version SE. The new 16 terahash per second (16TH/s) S9 SE is $350 per unit and the launch celebrates the company’s most popular product, the original...

PR: WaykiChain CEO Gordon Gao Building a Win-Win Public Blockchain

This article feature quotes returned direct from inquiry to the company CEO Gordon Gao. WaykiChain(WICC) CEO Gordon Gao’s credentials are substantial and they include (according to his LinkedIn page) having previously worked as a ‘senior business associate’ at His portfolio also lists... Just Rebranded – Check out Our New Look

You may have noticed that is looking a little different. We’re excited to unveil our new look after six months of hard work. Our domain has a long history, and as a company we’ve grown a great deal. After consideration of the crypto future ahead of us all, we decided...

S Korean Crypto-Pay Company Dragged into Mega Burning Sun Scandal

Seungri. Source: a video screenshot, Youtube/CNBC Indonesia A South Korean cryptocurrency payments platform Nupay is the latest company to be pulled into the aftermath of the long-running major Burning Sun K-pop drug, sex and prostitution scandal. The scandal originated with a police investigation...

Bitsa is a Crypto Card Europeans Can Top Up With BCH

The release of a new crypto debit card is an event that deserves attention. On one hand, the launch shows there is a growing demand from cryptocurrency users. On the other, it means businesses see an opportunity to profit from providing this type of product. Bitnovo, a Spain-based fintech company...

Blockstream Developers Alleged to Earn $850K Per Year

There are perks to working for Blockstream, aside from having to answer to Samson Mow. Developers for the Bitcoin Core software company are alleged to earn up to $850K per year thanks to a “stock option” that sees them paid 20% of their salary in BTC. That BTC is pegged at the price...

Why Bitpay Is Really Charging More for BTC Transactions

Bitpay has recently been attacked on social media for charging an extra fee for BTC transactions that it doesn’t ask of BCH users. The reality is that the company simply has to cover its operational costs related to the BTC network, whose fees are currently very high again. Also Read: How...

BSC má za sebou úspěšný rok, její tržby vyrostly na 369 milionů korun

BSC (Banking Software Company), společnost, která se již více než 25 let zabývá vývojem vlastních softwarových produktů pro bankovní sektor, má za sebou velmi úspěšný rok. Tržby společnosti napříč celou skupinou, jež svůj software prodává zákazníkům v Evropě, Asii i USA, během posledních tří...

U.S. SEC Files Lawsuit Against Kik For Unregistered 2017 ICO

The mobile messaging app from Canadian company Kick Interactive – ‘Kik’ is in troubled waters. On 4th June, the U.S. SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) has filed a lawsuit against the company for the unregistered ICO (Initial Coin Offering) it conducted back in 2017. The case...

Israeli Supreme Court Stops Bank From Closing Crypto Exchange’s Account

In February 2018, the Supreme Court of Israel issued a temporary injunction order forbidding a major bank in the country from halting the activity of a local cryptocurrency exchange. Now the bank has been forced to accept that the company’s account will remain open indefinitely. Also Read:...

PR: TRCE – Crypto Exchange Set To Launch In Q4 2019

The Real Cryptocurrency Exchange (TRCE) is a Seychelles Cryptocurrency company headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina (2019) with plans to open offices in Spain (2020) and Singapore (2021). The mission at TRCE is to reduce the access gap in the Cryptocurrency Market worldwide, primarily focusing...

PR: dClinic Partners With Indonesian Hospital BP Batam

Batam (Indonesia) and dClinic will be world leaders in Healthcare Blockchain technology by bringing together a significant number of partners to help deliver a blockchain solution for Indonesian citizens.The aim is to have this solution eventually roll out across the whole of Indonesia. The post...

Study: Publicly Listed Chinese Firms Quietly Participate in Bitcoin Mining

According to regional reports, a few publicly listed Chinese companies have been secretly mining bitcoin by pretending to provide cloud or web hosting services. Moreover, recent studies have revealed a growing trend of mystery miners processing the BCH and BTC networks at the same time as these...

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