Say Whatcha Wanna About Final Fantasy XIII, You Can’t Deny Its Amazing Soundtrack
Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today we’re continuing to indulge my terminal case of Final Fantasy brain with a deep dive into Final Fantasy XIII’s mold-breaking soundtrack.Read more
Cardano or Ethereum – What do You Choose?
The competition is intensifying between Ethereum and emerging blockchains, offering better functionality at a lower cost. Cardano is one such viable alternative to Ethereum. Recently, the Cardano founder, Charles Hoskinson, commented that the first-mover advantage that Ethereum had wouldn’t be...
Front of the Front / Back of the Front
People really latched onto Brad’s framing. And for good reason. Front-end development has gotten so wide scoping that there are specialists inside of it. Two years ago, I cut it down the middle and now Brad is putting …
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How to Create a Shrinking Header on Scroll Without JavaScript
Imagine a header of a website that is nice and thick, with plenty of padding on top and bottom of the content. As you scroll down, it shrinks up on itself, reducing some of that padding, making more screen real …
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Maximally optimizing image loading for the web in 2021
Malte Ubl’s list for:
8 image loading optimization techniques to minimize both the bandwidth used for loading images on the web and the CPU usage for image display.
Fluid width images in CSS, not forgetting the height and width attributes
The post Maximally optimizing image...
You Can Instantly Summon Bowser In Bowser’s Fury With An Amiibo
The most infuriating part of Bowser’s Fury is Bowser himself. King Koopa’s arrival can both ruin your day and grant access to previously inaccessible areas, meaning the bite-sized Bowser’s Fury is somewhat of a waiting game. But you don’t have to wait for Bowser to do his thing. You just need...
Everything You Need to Know About Lord of the Rings' Second Age
Even though we first learned about it in 2017, we barely know anything about Amazon’s plans for its Lord of the Rings series. One thing we do know—other than that a bucketload of talent is running all around New Zealand to make it—is that it’s set in the Second Age of Middle-earth’s long history....
The web didn’t change; you did
I love this piece from Remy Sharp where he argues that the web didn’t get more complicated over the last 20 years, despite what we might think:
Web development did not change. Web development grew. There are more options now,
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High five to Netlify for the ❥ sponsorship. Netlify is a great place to host your static (or not-so-static!) website because of the great speed, DX, pricing, and feature set. I’ve thought of Netlify a bunch of times just in …
The post Netlify appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Using AbortController as an Alternative for Removing Event Listeners
The idea of an “abortable” fetch came to life in 2017 when AbortController was released. That gives us a way to bail on an API request initiated by fetch() — even multiple calls — whenever we want.
Here’s a super …
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Tackling Crypto Mass Adoption: Jax.Network’s Mission
PRESS RELEASE. Even though Bitcoin and Ethereum are called ‘cryptocurrencies’ people still treat them like assets instead of currencies. People are not spending cryptocurrencies on a large scale, nor are merchants accepting them on a similar scale. Generally speaking, you still cannot...
Beautiful accessibility with Floating Focus
Imagine if your :focus styles animated from element to element as you tab through a site. Like the focus ring up and flew across the page to the next element. The spirit of it is similar to smooth scrolling: it’s …
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Overcooked! All You Can Eat míří na PC, Switch a staré konzole
Front-End Dissatisfaction (and Backing Off)
Asko Nõmm reached a breaking point with front end:
I want to have a personal life and not have to spend my nights reading up on some new flavour of *.js in fear that if I don’t I would soon
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Weekly Platform News: WebKit autofill, Using Cursor Pointer, Delaying Autoplay Videos
In this week’s roundup, WebKit’s prefixed autofill becomes a standard, the pointer cursor is for more than just links, and browsers are jumping on board to delay videos set to autoplay until they’re in view… plus more! Let’s jump right …
The post Weekly Platform...
32 Movies That Will Help You Chill the Eff Out
This year was supposed to be better than last year, but apparently 2021 didn’t get the memo. The world is still just as tumultuous, and we’re all still just as frazzled by nerves, overwhelmed by the news, and desperate to find some kind of escape.Well, for the past year, we’ve had little else to...
Don’t put pointer-events: none on form labels
Bruce Lawson with the tip of the day, warning against the use of pointer-events: none on forms labels. We know that pointer-events is used to change how elements respond to click, tap, hover, and active states. But it apparently borks …
The post Don’t put pointer-events: none on form labels...
Responsible Web Applications
Joy Heron bought a cool domain name and published an article there:
Luckily, with modern HTML and CSS, we can create responsive and accessible web apps with relative ease. In my years of doing software development, I have learned some
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Reconciling Editor Experience and Developer Experience in the CMS
Components are great, aren’t they? They are these reusable sources of truth that you can use to build rock-solid front-ends without duplicating code.
You know what else is super cool? Headless content management! Headless content management system (CMS) products offer …
The post Reconciling...
The Devil’s Albatross
Nils Binder talks about a technique for spacing between two elements. Picture a header on a large screen with a logo in the upper left and nav in the upper right. Then a small screen, when they can no longer …
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