[článek] Foto: Digitalizace státu, CNN i doba podcastová. Jaké bylo Czech Internet Forum 2019?
[čtení do minuty] Jak chce stát digitalizovat úřady? Jak se daří uskupení Č Jak dělá online zprávy americká CNN? Podívejte se na fotky z letošního ročníku Czech Internet Fora. Jak chce stát digitalizovat úřady? Jak se daří uskupení Č Jak dělá online zprávy americká CNN?...
[aktualita] Czech POINT bude mít několik dní odstávku, nepůjdou žádné jeho služby
Czech POINT čeká plánovaná odstávka, během které nepůjdou služby na pobočkách a skrze CzechPOINT@home. Výpisy nepůjdou vyřizovat ani přes Portál veřejné správy. Odstavení proběhne od 25. října od 20:00 hodin do 29. října 6:00 hodin. „Od pátečního večera do úterního rána nebude možné využít žádné...
[aktualita] Má občan právo na digitální službu? Podívejte se na živý přenos z Czech Internet Forum
V pražské Národním domě na Vinohradech dnes probíhá konference Czech Internet Forum 2019. Úvodní blok je věnován digitalizaci českého státu. Na toto téma promluví vládní zmocněnec pro IT a digitalizaci Vladimír Dzurilla či zakladatel projektu Č Jakub Nešetřil Celou konferenci zahájí...
Slovenia Has the Most BCH-Accepting Physical Locations Worldwide
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) merchant adoption continues to grow, but in certain regions worldwide like Australia, Japan, and New Hampshire, BCH acceptance is swelling. As each area pursues BCH adoption in a variety of unique ways, the Republic of Slovenia has seen massive retail approval as the payment...
Crypto Insurance a Promising Sector Despite Caution of Major Players
With studies showing billions worth of crypto being lost to hackers, the crypto industry needs insurance now more than ever. Major insurers are, however, cautious
[článek] Hvězdy české startupové scény vystoupí na Czech Internet Foru
[3 minuty čtení] Startupy budou jedním z tematických bloků letošního ročníku konference. Na co se ještě můžete těšit? Fascinuje vás odvaha startupistů? Stojíte zrovna na startovní čáře a budujete svůj sen? Během přednášek Jiřího Helmicha z Mews Systems a Marka Polčáka, který stojí za Vrginners...
North Korea Plans to Launch Cryptocurrency to Bypass Economic Sanctions
A North Korean official claims that a Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) cryptocurrency is on the horizon. According to a delegate for the Committee for Cultural Relations, Alejandro Cao de Benós, the country plans to forge a token backed by a physical commodity like gold...
Why the Marshall Islands Is Doing a Pre-Sale for Its National Cryptocurrency
Revealed at Invest: Asia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands is launching a token pre-sale for its sovereign cryptocurrency, the SOV
Insurance Giants Lloyd’s of London And Aon Plan To Explore The Crypto-Insurance Domain
The crypto world received a jolt of surprise when English insurance big shots, Lloyd’s of London and Aon revealed their plans of venturing into the crypto-insurance business. Lloyd’s of London, the global leader of the insurance sector, boasts of the whopping market worth of over $45 Billion...
Crypto Insurance Market to Grow, Lloyd’s of London and Aon to Lead
The market for crypto insurance is expected to see growth, with Lloyd’s of London and Aon among leading players
Why the Marshall Islands Is Issuing Its Own Cryptocurrency
The Marshall Islands is moving ahead with a plan to issue a sovereign currency built on blockchain, writes Minister David Paul
Dominican Republic Citizenship Advertised as Benefit to STO Investors
As the security token offering (STO) market is still in its early stages, a Cayman Islands-based holding company, La Estancia Holdings Ltd., is advertising a chance to gain citizenship in the Dominican Republic (not to be confused with Dominica) among other benefits to their STOs investors.
EU Members Adopt Tougher Crypto Rules Than AML Directive Requires
Europe is gradually tightening the rules for the crypto space. A wave of new regulations are introducing stricter requirements for companies operating in the industry and cryptocurrency users are going to feel the difference in the coming months. The measures stem from the obligation of member...
Czech Republic to Impose Stricter Crypto Regulations than EU Requires
Czech regulators plan to impose a fine of up to half a million euros on crypto firms should they fail to register their operations with the national Trade Licensing Office
How Governments Steal Your Money and Conceal It Through Inflation
Dozens of countries all over the world have used the same trick called redenomination to hide how they have stolen their own citizens’ money through inflation or hyperinflation. The next nation to try this economic sleight of hand is the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also Read:...
More Signs the Next Big Financial Crisis May Begin in Germany
Germany, the locomotive of Europe’s huge economy, is entering a difficult period, various indicators suggest. And when the Federal Republic sneezes, the Old Continent usually catches cold. This time, Germany may infect the rest of the world as well. An economic and financial crisis there...
John McAfee Posts Pics of His Time in Detention by Dominican Republic Armed Forces
It seems that the famous crypto promoter and computer scientist John McAfee had a good time in prison after he was reportedly detained by the Dominican Republic Armed Forces. The anti-virus software pioneer posted a few pictures from his confinement cell and apparently seemed to be happy. My second...
John McAfee Released From Detention By Dominican Republic Armed Forces, Tweets Pictures
John McAfee, the famous crypto promoter and computer scientist had gone missing for the last couple of few days, as per his campaign manager and close aide Rob Loggia-Ramirez. Rob, using McAfee’s Twitter handle, had warned that if McAfee weren’t traced and sent back, several hidden data with...
Coinbase Looks to Launch a Captive Insurance Company With Aon: Report
The funding of a captive insurance company is reportedly considered by major United States-based cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase
Coinbase Is in Talks to Launch Its Own Insurance Company
Coinbase is exploring plans to set up its own regulated insurance company with the help of broker Aon, sources told CoinDesk