Competition Is Forcing Cryptocurrency Exchanges to Get Creative
In the last two years, a Cambrian explosion of cryptocurrency exchanges has given traders a plethora of options. This cornucopia of choice has not resulted in a corresponding increase in quality, however. Most of the platforms that emerged in 2018 have struggled to gain traction, with tier...
Competition for Blockchain Companies: the Case of Isle of Man
The flag of the Isle of Man. As more companies and investors are looking into blockchain-related opportunities, governments around the world are trying to adjust to this trend and lure as many projects as they can.
Fore example, while Lithuania is working on becoming another blockchain... Launches The 2019 Global Dev Competition, $100,000 Up For Prizes, Winner Gets $30,000
The Global Dev Competition 2018, held in Hangzhou, China, was a huge success, and this time, wows to make it even bigger. The 2019 DevCon2 final will be held in San Francisco, and $100,000 will be awarded in prize money. Bytom first announced Bytom Global Dev Competition 2019 during...
Analysts Pick Sands China And Galaxy As Ultimate Winners In Macau’s Non-Gaming Competition
The casino industry in Macau has become one of the most valuable casino industries in the world and remains one of the biggest attractions for gamblers from all over the world. However, the major companies who operate in the city are now trying to reinvent the industry in a big way, and over...
Bitcoin History Part 13: The First Mining Pool
The notion that anyone could solo mine bitcoin – on a CPU no less – seems positively quaint today. But in 2010, this method wasn’t just possible – it was the norm. With an exponentially lower hashrate, less competition and a 50 bitcoin block reward, there was enough pie...
UAE Competition Heats Up: BitOasis Gets Important Approval
Dubai-based cryptocurrency exchange BitOasis adds another layer to the crypto race for their home country, the United Arab Emirates, having obtained an in-principle approval (IPA) from the local regulatory authorities.
BitOasis, which operates in the Middle East and North Africa, announced earlier...
India’s Anti-Trust Regulator Order Probe on Google Over Android Abuse
Google has been beleaguered with anti-trust issues for more than half a decade in Europe, and it has now emerged, that the same troubles are going to bog the company down in India, one of its biggest markets. The entire issue revolves around the Android operating system that is used in mobile...
Next Genpm
So many web projects use npm to pull in their dependencies, for both the front end and back. npm install and away it goes, pulling thousands of files into a node_modules folder in our projects to import/require anything. It's an important cog in the great machine of web development.
While I don't...
Women Startup Competition: Soutěž podnikatelek ovládla aplikace Grason. Rezonovalo však zásadní ženské téma
Hotely a restaurace dlouhodobě trápí nedostatek pracovníků – tam, kde se mnoho z nich využívá třeba jen na sezónní práce, není spoleh na to, že bez smlouvy přijdou i druhý den. Takže když ráno provozovatelé otevírají restaurace, zjistí třeba, že místo pěti číšníků dnes budou obsluhovat tři....
Organizátorky Women Startup Competition: Ženy nejsou tak průbojné a víc se bojí
Pavlína Zychová (na úvodní fotce vlevo) z Mystay je jako úspěšná startupistka většinou v mužském kolektivu, Jana Hodboďová z Nápadu roku v oblasti podpory startupů také. Podle svých slov proto vědí, že to mají ženy v byznysu těžší, ale to i s ohledem, jaké jsou – ne tak průbojné a víc...
Daytrip, vítěz pražské Women Startup Competition: Nehrajeme si na to, kdo je žena, muž nebo helikoptéra
Druhý ročník Women Startup Competition v České republice dokázal, že startupy, které vedou ženy, si zaslouží pozornost. Z přihlášených 30 startupů bylo vybráno osm finalistů, jež postoupili do lokálního semifinále. Zastupovat Česko do mezinárodního finále v Londýně nakonec bude cestovatelský...
Druhý ročník Women Startup Competition představí nové startupy vedené ženami
V České republice bylo podle průzkumu Aspen Institute Prague v roce 2016 téměř 150 startupů. Pouze 19 procent z nich však zakládala nebo spoluzakládala žena. Zahraniční výzkumy přitom dokazují, že se takovým startupům daří výrazně lépe než čistě mužským. Přesto je podíl žen ve startupech velmi...