Jeremey reacting to Sara’s tweet, about using [aria-*] selectors instead of classes when the styling you are applying is directly related to the ARIA state.
… this is my preferred way of hooking up CSS and JavaScript interactions. Here’s [an] old CodePen where you can see...
Systém „Lůžka on-line“ může sledovat obsazenost nemocnic. Stojí za ním robotici z ČVUT
Co nejlepší využití dat je často skloňováno jako jeden z hlavních způsobů, jak se nám může podařit porazit současnou druhou vlnu koronaviru. Stát sice začal určité informace zveřejňovat, jejich využitelnost ale není nejlepší. A tak stejně jako na jaře přišli na pomoc univerzitní vědci. Připravili
GIFS and prefers-reduced-motion
The <picture> element has a trick it can do where it shows different image formats in different situations. If all you are interested in is formats for the sake of performance, maybe you’d do:
<picture<source srcset="img/waterfall.avif" type="image/avif"<source...
Naše supermasivní černá díra v Mléčné dráze je introvertní a líné monstrum
Supermasivní černá díra Mléčné dráhy zrovna nehýří aktivitou • Potvrzují to i výsledky nového výzkumu • Podle nich je tato černá díra natolik líná, že ani pořádně nerotuje
Gray Burst
I made this neat little gray burst thing. It’s nothing particularly special, especially compared to the amazing creativity on CodePen, but I figured I could document some of the things happening in it for learning reasons.
CodePen Embed Fallback
It’s SVG
SVG has <line x1 y1...
MicroStrategy's bottom line gets beefier on Bitcoin moves: Bad crypto news of the week
Check out this week’s Bad Crypto podcast
The CSS Custom Property Toggle Trick
Back in July 2020, I got an email from James0x57 (I always try to refer to people by their name, but I think I get the sense they prefer to go by screen name) that says:
The entire world of branching conditional logic and bulk feature toggling for custom CSS properties is possible and only exists...
Anheuser-Busch considers integrating blockchain further into its beer production line
The company is testing a new blockchain pilot that would give customers the power to track their beer’s barley by the bottle
EY, Samsung SDS & Naver-Line Consortium Bids to Test South Korean CBDC
There has been mixed news for the central Bank of Korea (BOK) as it prepares to launch its first pilot for the digital won.
The bank is still yet to make an official decision on whether it will actually launch the central bank digital currency (CBDC) or not, but recently claimed that it would...
Smarter Ways to Generate a Deep Nested HTML Structure
Let’s say we want to have the following HTML structure:
<div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'</div</div</div</div</div
That’s real a pain to write manually. And the reason why this post was born was being...
Charles Hoskinson and Dovey Wan Join Star-studded Line-up for BlockDown 3.0 Spooktacular
Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by
BlockDown 3.0 is gearing up for yet another stunning event with the virtual conference series announcing a host of big-name speakers that will join guests at the Halloween special event.
Alongside several high...
Japan’s LINE Launches CBDC Development Platform: Report
LINE reportedly said it has several "major" Asian nations in discussions over using the CBDC platform
Japanese messaging giant LINE reportedly working on CBDC platform
The platform would aid central banks in Asia with developing a central bank digital currency
[aktualita] Ostravské rádio Helax končí s FM vysíláním, bude už jen on-line
Rádio Helax v průběhu listopadu ukončí vysílání svého programu na frekvenci 93,7 MHz a bude nadále dostupné pouze prostřednictvím internetového streamu. V tiskové zprávě to oznámil majitel rádia, společnost Media Bohemia. Důvodem ke změně je propad reklamních příjmů v době koronavirové krize...
Full Bleed
We’ve covered techniques before for when you want a full-width element within a constrained-width column, like an edge-to-edge image within a narrower column of text. There are loads of techniques.
Perhaps my favorite is this little utility class:
.full-width {
width: 100vw;
Netlify Edge Handlers
Some very cool news from Netlify: Edge Handlers are in Early Access (request it here). I think these couple of lines of code do a great job in explaining what an Edge Handler is:
export function onRequest(event) {
console.log(`Incoming request for ${event.request.url}`);
First LINE Blockchain-Powered Third Party Services Launched
Japanese blockchain solutions platform LINE Blockchain introduced on Wednesday its first LINE powered third party services. These services are built on the LINE network by the LVC Corporation owned LINE TECH PLUS PTE LTD (LTP). LVC also manages LINE’s crypto-blockchain businesses. Introducing LINE...
[aktualita] Pilotní verze rozklikávacího rozpočtu ČT už je on-line, zatím toho moc neumí
Česká televize splnila včerejší slib generálního ředitele a zpřístupnila na internetových stránkách velmi ranou podobu rozklikávacího rozpočtu. „V pilotní verzi je ode dneška k dispozici přehled o vynaložených prostředcích v roce 2019, a to ze dvou různých pohledů – dle druhu nákladů a dle jejich...
Japan’s Messaging Giant Line Introduces Crypto Lending Services
Back in the summer of 2018, the Japanese messaging giant, Line Corp., launched a cryptocurrency exchange with over 30 digital assets. Now Line is introducing crypto lending services with five different crypto assets and a new lineup of decentralized applications (dapps). The Japanese messaging...
Japan’s LINE Starts Crypto Lending Service
The makers of Japan's popular messaging app LINE is launching a crypto lending service through its BITMAX exchange