More Than 50 Crypto Marketing Agencies Survived the Crypto Winter
The cryptocurrency industry has grown exponentially and there are many facets to the blockchain industry. One specific area of expertise that’s grown significantly in the last few years is the expansion of marketing agencies within the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. In 2020 there...
The Fallout From Onecoin’s Ponzi Scheme Continues to Impact Investors
In late 2019, the remnants of multi-level Ponzi scheme Onecoin crumbled. However, Onecoin’s founder, dubbed the ‘crypto queen,’ Ruja Ignatova, remains on the run and law enforcement haven’t caught up with her yet. Moreover, police are investigating two churches in...
Ethereum Advocates Step up Marketing Drive over Rival Domination Fears
Developers believe that Ethereum real-world blockchain applications could come too late – potentially leaving the door open for rival platforms to sweep in and “dominate.”
Per a post from the recently formed Ethereum Marketing DAO, a group of Ethereum marketing experts, a “design thinking session”...
Facebook’s Calibra Looks for Two Marketing Professionals
Facebook’s Calibra continues expanding the team of professionals working on the project
Bravio to Develop fully Tokenized iGaming & Lottery Platform for LFE Group Holding
Bravio Technologies Limited. ("Bravio" or the "Company") a lottery service provider that allows its national and international customers the opportunity to order and manage lottery tickets online, and the operator of, one of the largest online marketing and free member acquisition...
Chinese Police Seize Thousands of Miners, Arrest Dozens of Scammers
In the last couple of days, Chinese media have reported on police forces in one province of the vast Asian country seizing close to 7,000 mining rigs using stolen electricity and in another province arresting 72 multi-level marketing scheme operators for alleged fraud. Also Read: Chinese Regulators...
Ride ‘Em, Cowboy: Bitmain’s Marketing Gambit Ups Its Texas-Sized Position on Bitcoin
Bitmain's new strategy of giving put options on bitcoin to buyers of its miners amounts to a "Texas hedge": doubling down on risk, not offsetting it
Onecoin Websites Suspended as the $4 Billion Ponzi Crumbles
The MLM monitoring publication revealed on Dec. 1 that the infamous Ponzi scheme Onecoin’s website has gone offline. According to the domain host Eurid, the domain name is currently “under legal investigation.” Onecoin’s website going...
Exec Embezzles $22M From ‘Influencer’ Marketing Firm, Spends Nearly Half on Crypto Gambling
A U.S. man has pleaded guilty to having embezzled millions from his former employer and splashing the funds on personal expenses and crypto-funded online poker
How Sports Betting Companies Use Event Marketing to Look For New Customers
The world of online betting is a truly fascinating one. If you take a close look at the innovative designs and brilliant themes on those websites, you’d come to understand why the industry has quickly gained popularity and has easily trumped physical sportsbooks. It has provided a different...
It’s my job, and yours.
The role of ethics in our modern web space has been on my mind for the past few years and I suspect it will occupy my thoughts increasingly as I move forward. With each encounter of a questionable feature or setting on a website, I can't help but think of all of the people involved and...
No, Absolutely Not
I think the difference between a junior and senior front-end developer isn't in their understanding or familiarity with a particular tech stack, toolchain, or whether they can write flawless code. Instead, it all comes down to this: how they push back against bad ideas.
What I've learned this year...
[aktualita] Na konferenci WebTop100 se sejdou odborníci na digitální marketing
V úterý 12. listopadu zazní ve dvou sálech Národního domu na pražských Vinohradech ty nejzajímavější a nejinspirativnější digitální projekty včetně jejich příběhů a byznys výsledků. Uskuteční se tu konference Web Top 100. Přední osobnosti digitálního marketingu pečlivě vybraly témata, která...
How to Start a Crypto Podcast
The idea of starting your own podcast is undeniably appealing. Not only do you get to sound off about a topic that’s close to your heart, but if you opt for the host-and-guest format, you get to engage in stimulating debates with interesting people. But before you rush off to order a USB...
Before Proceeding with ICO Marketing, Know its Pros and Cons
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is where the companies attempt to raise funds by selling their tokens, which can be described as equivalent to stock. Investors purchase these tokens rather than a share or stock in an ICO. Blockchain-based organizations and start-ups take ICOs as a source...
Bangkok to Host NEXT BLOCK ASIA 2.0 “Affiliate Marketing in the Age of Crypto” this December
NEXT BLOCK ASIA returns to Bangkok for another landmark Crypto and Affiliate industry event on December 3, 2019 The capital of Thailand will become a bustling hub for Affiliate Marketing, Crypto and Fintech experts for the second time this year. The conference will run upon an umbrella theme...
Linkedin hodně zapracoval na možnostech reklamy, vyrovnává se Facebooku. Jaké jsou novinky a tipy pro práci s profily?
Linkedin zažívá v poslední době jednu velkou změnu za druhou. Za poslední rok můžeme vidět nejen velký počet změn v reklamní části, ale také poměrně velkou aktivitu uživatelů. Jaké jsou tedy novinky, čísla a tipy pro práci s firemními profily? Článek zpracoval Vojtěch Lambert z agentury LCG...
Příručka marketéra: 5 principů úspěšné personalizace v marketingové komunikaci
Role marketingu se už řadu let mění nejen výraznou orientací na digitální komunikační kanály. Je očekáváno stále více. Zákaznická spokojenost, podíl otevřených emailů a prokliky jako výsledek nestačí. Ve firmách marketing stále častěji přímo odpovídá za generování výnosů a zvýšení marže....
Tipy, jak budovat komunitní marketing podle Radka Hudáka, CMO Shoptetu
V Shoptetu, platformě pro e-shopy a pokladny, zvolili několik základních kroků, jak dělat komunitní marketing jinak. Opřely svou strategii o influencery, partnery a zaměřili se na to, jak pracovat s lidmi, kteří jsou v jejich okolí. Rozpovídal se o tom CMO Shoptetu na konferenci SaaS Movement....
FTC Settles With Promoters of Multi-Level Marketing Crypto Scheme
Four promoters of crypto-denominated chain-referral scams are ordered to pay fines totaling less than $500,000