[článek] Štěpán Štrébl (Praha 3): Byli jsme závislí na jednom dodavateli a paradoxně to byla naše vlastní firma
[11 minut čtení] Kdokoliv pro nás bude dělat weby či aplikace, musí otevřít kód, říká místostarosta Prahy 3. Proč a jak se radnice rozhodla zveřejnit svůj software jako open source? Místostarosta Prahy 3 pro informatiku, školství a zahraniční vztahy Štěpán Štrébl (Piráti) má ve své kanceláři... Releases SLP Indexer Server for High Performance Token Services
21.1.2020 is releasing the open source SLP Indexer Server for validating Simple Ledger Protocol tokens as part of its commitment to the development of the token ecosystem. The tool is designed to make SLP token transactions perform as fast as BCH and empower developers to create even greater...
How to Create Custom SLP Tokens With the Mint
On January 17, CEO Stefan Rust introduced the company’s new SLP minting application. The Mint is a noncustodial web wallet that allows users to store bitcoin cash (BCH) and Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) tokens. In addition to the portfolio capabilities, the Mint gives...
Is Bitcoin in 2020 Really Like the Early Internet?
Bitcoin may be behind the internet’s timeline in terms of commercial use cases, but it has already achieved comparable social functions
Japan Hosting World Conference to Discuss Decentralized Financial Governance
Following the consensus reached at the G20 leaders’ summit on the importance of discussing better governance for the decentralized financial ecosystem, Japan’s top financial regulator is hosting a global blockchain conference to discuss the subject. The regulator is welcoming...
[aktualita] Veškerý software Prahy 3 bude do budoucna open source dostupný veřejnosti
Veškerý software, který si vyvine radnice Prahy 3, její příspěvkové organizace a akciové společnosti, se budoucna stane otevřeným. Každý zájemce si tak aplikace bude moci stáhnout, provozovat, upravovat a změny bude muset poskytovat zpět veřejnosti. Tento týden do schválilo zastupitelstvo...
“Link In Bio” is a slow knife
Anil Dash:
If Instagram users could post links willy-nilly, they might even be able to connect directly to their users, getting their email addresses or finding other ways to communicate with them. Links represent a threat to closed systems.
On CodePen, we have a TextExpander snippet we use...
Planned $1.1B Sale of .Org Angers Many Open Source Crypto Developers
The potential sale of the .org top-level domain could mean higher costs for open source crypto projects
Jack Dorsey Announces New Twitter Team: Square Crypto, but for Social Media
It could be a harbinger of a radical shift in social media infrastructure, depending on the execution
BRD’s Adam Traidman on New Products, Crypto Adoption, and Banking the Unbanked Into 2020
Breadwallet, later known as Bread, and now just as BRD, was the first crypto wallet in the App Store in 2014. Its non-custodial, open source and user-friendly nature saw it become very popular, now with nearly 3 million users worldwide. CEO Adam Traidman took some time to field questions from...
The Communal Cycle of Sharing
What I'm interested in this year is how we're continuing to expand on tools, services, and shared side projects to collectively guide where we take the web next, and the way we're sharing that.
So many other mediums—mostly analog ones—have been around for ages and have a deeper history. In...
Huobi and Nervos Join Hands to Make Huobi Chain Open Source
On Tuesday, November 12, Huobi Group announced that a high-performance public blockchain, Huobi Chain, become open-source and publicly available to developers. Huobi partnered with Nervos, a blockchain development startup, to developed high-performance Huobi Chain, which was unveiled last year...
Huobi Chain Blockchain Completes Planned Open Source Developer Rollout
Huobi public blockchain project completes open-source move
Huobi’s ‘Regulator-Friendly’ Blockchain Goes Open Source
Huobi Chain, the regulator-facing public blockchain of exchange Huobi Group, is now open source and available to all developers on GitHub
Po virtuální realitě končí i ta papírová. Google ruší brýle Cardboard, projekt bude open source
Google nedávno ukončil své prostředí pro virtuální realitu Daydream, které bylo dostupné v rámci Androidu. nyní se přidává i Cardboard – jednoduché papírové brýle, do kterých se vkládal telefon. Softwarové nástroje ale Google uvolní komunitě jako open source.
Princip fungování Cardboardu byl
Spacechain Plans to Build World’s First Open-source Satellite Network
Singapore-based start-up SpaceChain has decided to build the world’s first open-source Blockchain-based satellite network. The company aims to protect the digital assets of organizations from hackers and cybercriminals. In this effort, SpaceChina wants to become as the integrator of space...
This Startup’s Upgrade Code Can Be Used by Any Bitcoin-Based Blockchain
Nexus says an upgrade that brings smart-contract functionality to its blockchain can also be used by any other bitcoin-based chain
[článek] Operátor ICT zveřejnil pražskou datovou platformu Golemio jako open-source
[5 minut čtení] Dát městský software zadarmo se ukázalo být nečekaně tvrdým oříškem. Praha ale má precedens, jak postupovat v dalších případech. Nejdřív to bylo koupené řešení od firmy Cisco, poté platforma vyvíjená vlastními silami a teď pražský Operátor ICT zveřejňuje svůj software a know-how...
ING Announces Development of Notary Service for Corda Open Source Blockchain
Headquartered in Amsterdam, ING Group that works as a leading financial service providing a firm has announced the launch of a “zero knowledge proof notary service,” which is curated to enhance the privacy and security of operations on Corda, the open-source blockchain solution. Having...
‘Source of Truth’ — Winklevoss Says Bitcoin Is More Than Digital Gold
Gemini crypto exchange co-founder Cameron Winklevoss has emphasized Bitcoin’s property as a single source of truth, arguing this makes its possibilities far greater than just digital gold