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What Deathloop Does Differently From Dishonored and Prey

Blackreef is a city built for violence. Every citizen is armed, and every law is overturned. It is a 24 hour party, and sometimes partying involves shooting your friend in the head...I guess. I’ve never been a real party girl.Read more

“Just in Time” CSS

I believe is the first usage of “Atomic CSS” where the point of it is to be a compiler. You write CSS like this: <div class="C(#fff) P(20px)"text </div And it will generate CSS like: .C\(\#333\) { color: #333; … The post “Just in Time” CSS appeared...

Native JavaScript Routing?

We can update the URL in JavaScript. We’ve got these APIs: // Adds to browser history history.pushState({}, "About Page", "/about"); // Doesn't history.replaceState({}, "About Page", "/about"); JavaScript is also capable of replacing any content in the DOM....

The Big Gotcha With Custom Properties

I’ve seen this confuse more than a handful of people recently, including myself, so I’m making sure it’s written down. Let’s chuck a couple of custom properties into CSS: html { --color-1: red; --color-2: blue; } Let’s use them right … The post The...

CSS Nesting, specificity, and you

Here’s Kilian Valkhof on CSS nesting which isn’t available in browsers yet, but will be soon. There are a few differences he notes between CSS nesting and nesting in Sass or Less though. Take, for example, the following code: div … The post CSS Nesting, specificity, and you appeared...

Choice Words about the Upcoming Deprecation of JavaScript Dialogs

It might be the very first thing a lot of people learn in JavaScript: alert("Hello, World"); One day at CodePen, we woke up to a ton of customer support tickets about their Pens being broken, which ultimately boiled down to … The post Choice Words about the Upcoming Deprecation of JavaScript...

Analogue Pocket Pre-orders: The Kotaku Review

The other day a Redditor pointed out that a full god-dang year has passed since Analogue Inc. offered the world a fleeting, three-minute window to pump its coffers full of cash in exchange for a promise that we’d one day receive a physical device called the Analogue Pocket, billed to be...

ECMAScript proposal: JSON modules

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer looks at JSON modules, which is already live in Chrome 91 (but nothing else). It looks just like an ES Modules-style import, only you asset the type at the end. import configData from './config-data.json' assert {type: … The post ECMAScript proposal: JSON modules...

Pre-Crash Survey: 70% Of Institutional Investors Considered Buying Crypto

Before the crypto market started its downturn in April this year, around 70% of surveyed global institutional investors planned to buy cryptoassets eventually. Also, more than 50% of the 1,100 investors surveyed by Coalition Greenwich on behalf of Fidelity Digital Assets, a crypto-focused arm...

Steam Deck Pre-Orders Start Off Shaky

Today, Valve began taking paid reservations for its recently announced Steam Deck, a powerful portable PC that’s invited comparisons to the Nintendo Switch. But right after pre-orders went live, Steam collapsed into server errors and other frustrating hiccups. Read more

Using the Specificity of :where() as a CSS Reset

I don’t know about you, but I write these three declarations many times in my CSS: ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style-type: none; } You might yell at me and say I can just put those in my CSS … The post Using the Specificity of :where() as a CSS Reset appeared first on CSS-Tricks....

Crypto Scammers Now Stalking Dating Apps Like Tinder for Prey

Crypto scammers may have found a new hunting ground for bitcoin (BTC) and altcoin-holding victims: dating apps. Per a case study published by the US-based crypto self-custody solutions provider Casa, scammers have developed a “novel attack” that targets crypto enthusiasts. The firm warned...

Body Toggle

I appreciate the clarity of this trick that Mikael Ainalem posted over on Reddit: It’s a one-liner that toggles the class on the <body> so you can mock up different states and toggle between them on click. <body onclick="this.classList.toggle("active");" Could … The post...

The Dilemma of Naming Font Size Variables

Normally, a project will have a set of pre-determined font sizes, usually as variables named in such a way that seeks some semblance of order and consistency. Any project of considerable size can use something like that. There are always … The post The Dilemma of Naming Font Size Variables...

What does `font: 110%/1.4 system-ui` mean?

I use this line, or one like it, in a lot of quick demos. Not that it’s not a production-worthy line of code—I just tend to be a bit more explicit on bigger projects. html { font: 110%/1.4 system-ui; } … The post What does `font: 110%/1.4 system-ui` mean? appeared first...

System *Things

I think we’re all largely aware of named colors in CSS: color: OldLace; background: rebeccapurple; I guess you’d just call those “named colors” in CSS. Those aren’t the only kind of named colors there are though. Some of them … The post System *Things appeared...

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