
Nalezeno "Robert Hašek": 502

A Look At A Script For The Cancelled Deus Ex Movie

Did you know it has been ten years since a Deus Ex movie was announced? What once seemed a natural step, a big-screen adaptation of a triumphantly resurgent video game franchise, ended up being nothing of the sort as the series floundered through publisher mismanagement and the film itself ended...

I Accidentally Watched The New Batman Movie In The Worst Way Possible

As an unapologetic batcat shipper and a sucker for movie trailers effectively utilizing Nirvana songs, seeing The Batman wasn’t a matter of “if” but “when.” However, I got more than I bargained for when I mistakenly bought tickets to see Matt Reeves’ new Bruceman film in an obscure format called...

The Batman Review: This Could Be the Dark Knight You’ve Been Waiting For

Batman movies are kind of like seasons of Doctor Who. Every now and then a new season with a new Doctor will come along and give a perspective on a classic character that will appeal to a new group of fans. In a similar way, The Batman employs a new pool of creative talent to give us a version...

Neoblíbený Kotick prý plánoval koupit média, která o něm psala neuctivě

Ředitel zábavního kolosu Activision Blizzard, který byl nedávno odkoupen Microsoftem, patří mezi ty nejméně oblíbené postavy herního průmyslu. Podle zdrojů novin Wall Strret Journal chtěl svůj mediální obraz zlepšit tím, že odkoupí internetové magazíny PC Gamer a Kotaku, které ho pravidelně...

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