
Nalezeno "animation": 421

Animating with Clip-Path

clip-path is one of those CSS properties we generally know is there but might not reach for often for whatever reason. It’s a little intimidating in the sense that it feels like math class because it requires working with geometric shapes, each with different values that draw certain shapes...

Collective #528

Bounds.js * CSS Animation Worklet API * Numverify * HTML can do that? * Using Basis Textures in Three.js Collective #528 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Different Approaches for Creating a Staggered Animation

Animating elements, at its most basic, is fairly straightforward. Define the keyframes. Name the animation. Call it on an element. But sometimes we need something a little more complex to get the right “feel" for the way things move. For example, a sound equalizer might use the same animation...

Different Approaches for Creating a Staggered Animation

Animating elements, at its most basic, is fairly straightforward. Define the keyframes. Name the animation. Call it on an element. But sometimes we need something a little more complex to get the right “feel" for the way things move. For example, a sound equalizer might use the same animation...

Reduced Motion Picture Technique, Take Two

Did you see that neat technique for using the <picture> element with <source media=""> to serve an animated image (or not) based on a prefers-reduced-motion media query? After we shared that in our newsletter, we got an interesting reply from Michael Gale: What about folks who love...

A Course About CSS Layout and Animations

Christina Gorton just released a new course called CSS Layout and Animations as a part of Design+Code, which is a $9/month. That includes a ton of video training on everything from stuff like this to React to Sketch to iOS development... and beyond! Christina approaches the course with my favorite...

Movin’ Modals Along a Path

Modals always be just appearin'. You might see one once in a while that slides in from one of the edges, or uses some kind of scale/opacity thing to appear from "above" or "below." But we can get weirder than that. Why not have them come in on an offset-path? Just a swoopy arc is kinda fun. ...

Creating Animations Using React Spring

Have you ever needed animation in your React application? Traditionally, implementing animation has not an easy feat to accomplish. But now, thanks to Paul Henschel, we there’s a new React tool just for that. react-spring inherits from animated and react-motion for interpolations, optimized...

Collective #518

Take Back Your Web * Animation Handbook * Accessible Icon Buttons * The State of Fluid Web Typography Collective #518 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Integrating Third-Party Animation Libraries to a Project

Creating CSS-based animations and transitions can be a challenge. They can be complex and time-consuming. Need to move forward with a project with little time to tweak the perfect transition? Consider a third-party CSS animation library with ready-to-go animations waiting to be used. Yet, you might...

Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, the reduced motion media query

Two years ago, I wrote about prefers-reduced-motion, a media query introduced into Safari 10.1 to help people with vestibular and seizure disorders use the web. The article provided some background about the media query, why it was needed, and how to work with it to avoid creating...

How to Create and Animate Rotated Overlays

A tutorial on how to create and animate rotated overlays, or "reveal" elements, for interesting page transition effects. How to Create and Animate Rotated Overlays was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Simulating Mouse Movement

If you've ever had to display an interactive animation during a live talk or a class, then you may know that it's not always easy to interact with your slides and while talking. This happened to me when I needed to show this particles demo to my students. I didn't want to have to stay next to...

How to Create a Sticky Image Effect with Three.js

A recreation of the sticky image effect seen on the websites of MakeReign and Ultranoir using three.js. How to Create a Sticky Image Effect with Three.js was written by Daniel Velasquez and published on Codrops

Crossroads Slideshow

An experimental slideshow with an inclined look, three slide previews and a content view on click. Crossroads Slideshow was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Scroll-Linked Animations

You scroll down to a certain point, now you want to style things in a certain way. A header becomes fixed. An animation triggers. A table of contents appears. To do anything based on scroll position, JavaScript is required right now. You watch the scroll position via a DOM event and alter...

Exploding 3D Objects with Three.js

A set of WebGL demos that show an exploding 3D object animation inspired by "Kubrick Life Website: 3D Motion". Exploding 3D Objects with Three.js was written by Yuriy Artyukh and published on Codrops

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