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State of Jamstack 2020: Data Deep Dive

(This is a sponsored post.) The Jamstack, a modern approach to building websites and apps, delivers better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and a better developer experience. But how popular is it among developers worldwide, and what do they love and hate about it? We at Kentico...

Backdrop Filter effect with CSS

I love these little posts where some tricky-looking design is solved by a single line of CSS using a little-known property. In this case, the design is a frosted glass effect and the CSS property is backdrop-filter. The approach? Easy peasy: .container { backdrop-filter: blur(10px); } The...

Improving Chromium’s browser compatibility in 2020

This is exactly what I love to hear from any browser vendor: When it comes to browser compatibility, there are still too many missing features and edge-case bugs. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Things can and will get better, if browser vendors can understand what is causing the most...


Lots of fun with gradients from Bennet Feely: stars, stripes, banners, bursts… I love being able to use nice patterns with either no image requests at all, or very little SVG. And important reminder: Bennet does all sorts of cool stuff. I’ve probably used Clippy about a million times....

In Defense of a Fussy Website

The other day, I was doom-scrolling Twitter and saw a delightful article titled “The Case for Fussy Breakfasts.” I love food — especially breakfast — and since the pandemic hit I’ve been using my breaks in between meetings (or, shh, sometimes in meetings) to make a full bacon, poached...

Advice for Complex CSS Illustrations

If you were to ask me what question I hear most about front-end development, I’d say it’s“How do I get better at CSS?” And that question usually comes up to some CSS illustration I made, which is something I love to do over on CodePen. To many, CSS is this mythical beast that can’t...


A CSS methodology from Andy Bell: The most important part of this methodology is the language itself: CSS. It’s key to note its existence in the name because some alternative approaches, such as BEM—which I have enjoyed for many years—can veer very far away from Cascading Style Sheets. I love CSS...

Increment Issue 13: Frontend

Increment is a beautiful quarterly magazine (print and web) published by Stripe “about how teams build and operate software systems at scale”. While there is always stuff about making websites in general, this issue is the first focused on front-end¹ development. I’ve got...

PureCSS Gaze

Diana Smith with another mind-bending all HTML & CSS painting. I love that these occupy a special place on the “Should I draw this in CSS?” curve. Things like simple shapes are definitely on the “yes” side of the curve. Then there’s a large valley where things...

Framer Web

The prototyping app Framer just launched the web version of their design tool and it looks pretty darn neat. I particularly love the design of the marketing site that explains how to use Framer and what sets it apart from other design tools. They have a ton of examples that you can pop open...

How to Fix ESLint Errors Upon Save in VS Code

Two of the most prominent utilities in web development today are ESLint and Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code. I enjoy using both, and I love the integration between both tools, but warnings from ESLint inside Visual Studio Code aren’t fulfilling — I’d rather lint errors...

Playing With Particles Using the Web Animations API

When it comes to motion and animations, there is probably nothing I love more than particles. This is why every time I explore new technologies I always end up creating demos with as many particles as I can. In this post, we'll make even more particle magic using the Web Animations API to create...

Geoff’s Redesign Posts

I love it when people redesign "in the open" and write about it. I'd just like to shout out to our own Geoff who has been doing this for 3 months now. He started in late December last year. He's been sharing stuff like his dev tooling choices, considering performance, considering accessibility...


Monica Dinculescu: I don’t want every possible padding and margin and colour and flexbox configuration in the world. I just want the ones that I know I end up using in every project. So here is monica.css: my very own CSS framework, which I copy paste at the beginning of every CSS file and take...

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