Mass Effect Is Back, But It Seems Like Morality Meters Are Gone For Good
Will you save the orphans or eat them? Will you blow up the planet or give it renewable energy and free healthcare? Will you hug Leonardo Da Vinci or let his outstretched arms wither? For a minute there, it felt like games were characterized by binary choices like these—even if their prevalence...
Backbone Is A Noir Adventure About Racism In Anthropomorphic Vancouver
Backbone, a noir adventure game set in an anthropomorphic version of Vancouer, is coming out on June 8. I have already played the free Steam demo, Backbone: Prologue, six times.Read more
Tensions High At IGN After Management Claims Palestine Post Takedown Was Not Corporate Interference
The weekend before last, IGN published and then pulled a post with links to charities in support of Palestinian victims who’d been devastated by Israeli violence. This spurred over 80 IGN staffers to sign and publish an open letter decrying corporate management’s subversion of their editorial...
Are You A Mass Effect Paragon Or Renegade?
It’s Monday and time for Ask Kotaku, the weekly feature in which Kotaku-ites deliberate on a single burning question. Then, we ask your take.Read more
Hráči fotí omlazenou galaxii Mass Effectu, legenda stále vypadá k světu
Nostalgie a vylepšený grafický kabátek jsou silná kombinace
Do No Man's Sky přibyla vesmírná loď z Mass Effectu
Hey, They Got Mass Effect In Our No Man's Sky
For the past week, No Man’s Sky players have been led on a mysterious expedition across the galaxy with no real idea where their journey would lead. Now the “Beachhead” expedition is complete, and it’s led players to a massive Mass Effect Easter egg. Read more
As Gaza Burns, Twitch Charity Streams For Palestine Remain Few And Far Between
The situation in Gaza is dire. Israeli raids have killed over 200 Palestinians in the past week, at least 42 of them on Sunday alone. They’ve also destroyed more than 500 homes, leaving tens of thousands of Palestinians homeless—a stunningly bleak continuation of decades of apartheid...
Obrovský patch do Mass Effectu vylepšuje grafiku
Mass Effect Remake Fixes A Character's Race
For over 13 years, there has been a character in the original Mass Effect who was, well, the wrong race. An oversight the series’ new remasters has finally been able to fix.Read more
How To Get Infinite Paragon/Renegade Points In Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been a nostalgic, and for the most part, pleasant experience. I’ve been making my way through the first remastered game and it’s a faithful recreation of the original Mass Effect, up to and including its archaic dialogue system, which frustratingly locks...
BioWare Sounds Open To Restoring Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer In Legendary Edition
When it was announced last year that the original Mass Effect trilogy would get a proper remaster, it was mostly good news. However, EA and BioWare sadly explained that the new release would omit Mass Effect 3’s co-op multiplayer mode. Now, Legendary Edition’s project director, Mac Walters, says...
Twitch Begins Adjusting Sub Prices Based On Where Viewers Live
While the USD 4.99 per month cost of a Tier 1 Twitch subscription works fine here in the States, five bucks can be a much larger hit on one’s wallet in other countries. Starting this week with Mexico and Turkey, Twitch will begin adjusting subscription costs to better align with the local cost...
New Mass Effect Changes Tali's Face
It wasn’t the biggest of Mass Effect 3's missteps, so you’d be forgiven for having forgotten all about it, but BioWare’s trilogy did us all dirty when it spent 2.9 games building up the mystery of what Tali the Quarian looked like only to reveal...she looked like stock art of a sexy human...
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Makes The First Game Required Playing
Mass Effect Legendary Edition is out today, remastering BioWare’s space trilogy with 4K HD graphics and other kinds of tweaks and twinges to bring the games into the current generation. Of the trilogy, the original Mass Effect stands out as the game benefiting the most from graphical updates...
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has A Calibration Menu
Mass Effect Legendary Edition released today, and if you’re a long-time fan of the series, you’ll find a nice Easter egg before you even start your first campaign.Read more
F*ck, Marry, Kill: Mass Effect Party Member Edition
It certainly says something about the video game industry that the most anticipated release of the year so far is a remaster of a sci-fi RPG trilogy from a decade ago. Mass Effect has some memorable characters—and a lot of less memorable ones, a fact that many people have fittingly forgotten....
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
This weekend is for playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition. That’s it. Nothing else may be done or played this weekend. There will be no celebratory vaccine brunches or prolonged afternoon naps. Just an endless parade of dead-eyed Shepards approving messages. Read more
Udělal jsem ošklivou Shepardovou a teď s ní budu muset strávit sto hodin
Editor postav z remasterované trilogie Mass Effect nabízí dostatek možností, jak si vzhled avatara přizpůsobit svému vkusu. Musí se s ním ovšem umět
Not Even Mass Effect Legendary Edition Will Compel Me To Make Different Choices
Vanguard class. Colonist. Sole Survivor. Paragon.Read more