
Nalezeno "Best Practices": 48

Australian Regulator Seeks Advice on Crypto-Related Assets

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) recently opened a consultation for establishing methods and best practices for regulating crypto assets. The consultation paper seeks guidance on which crypto-assets should qualify as underlying assets, and how to make this determination....

Collective #665

Cognitive Bias and the Design Process * MVP Transformations * Best practices for fonts The post Collective #665 appeared first on Codrops

Here Are the Best Practices for Securely Using API

API keys are a very useful part of an application programming interface – but misuse or breaches can result in some particular security problems. How do you use API keys in secure ways?  First, it helps to understand the role of the API key, which provides for project authentication. That’s...

Here Are the Best Practices for Securely Using API Keys

API keys are a very useful part of an application programming interface – but misuse or breaches can result in some particular security problems. How do you use API keys in secure ways?  First, it helps to understand the role of the API key, which provides for project authentication. That’s...

CSS Hell

Collection of common CSS mistakes, and how to fix them From Stefánia Péter. Clever idea for a site! Some of them are little mind-twisters that could bite you, and some of them are honing in on best practices that … The post CSS Hell appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks...

Collective #655

SVG Generators * Best practices for cookie notices * Overlay Fact Sheet * Skribbl The post Collective #655 appeared first on Codrops

How to Favicon in 2021

I always appreciate someone looking into and re-evaluating the best practices of something that literally every website needs and has a complex set of requirements. Andrey Sitnik has done that here with favicons. The final suggestion: <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" … The post...

Betting Your Coins Online? Be Sure to AskGamblers First

Visit before ever wagering your hard-earned coins in an online casino. AskGamblers is the internet’s largest and most trusted portal dedicated to curating honest, fair, and open gaming experiences for users worldwide. These Days You Can Use Bitcoin to Buy Just About Anything...

Sharpen Your JavaScript Skills with Pluralsight (Sponsored)

JavaScript recently turned 25 years old, and while it started by dominating over the client side world, this beautiful programming language is well on its way to taking over the server side. JavaScript isn’t just thriving — it’s evolving with new syntax features, patterns...

Why you should hire a front-end developer

Matt Hobbs says you should hire a front-end developer because… “A front-end developer is the best person to champion accessibility best practices in product teams.” “80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the front end.” “A front-end developer takes pressure...

Tips for Starting with Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies

One of the most rewarding experiences of my life, both financially and logically, has been buying and managing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum. Like learning any other new tech, I made rookie mistakes along the way, but learned some best practices along the way. Check out these...

How to Disable Code: The Developer’s Production Kill Switch

The following is a guest post written by Carlos Schults. Being able to disable code in production is a power that many developers aren’t aware of. And that’s a shame. The ability to switch off some portions—or even complete features—of the codebase can dramatically improve the software development...

Let’s Take a Deep Dive Into the CSS Contain Property

Compared to the past, modern browsers have become really efficient at rendering the tangled web of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code a typical webpage provides. It takes a mere milliseconds to render the code we give it into something people can use. What could we, as front-end developers, do...

Accessible Font Sizing, Explained

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), an organization that defines standards for web content accessibility, does not specify a minimum font size for the web. But we know there’s such a thing as text that is too small to be legible, just as text that can be too large to consume. So,...

Maintaining Performance

Real talk from Dave: I, Dave Rupert, a person who cares about web performance, a person who reads web performance blogs, a person who spends lots of hours trying to keep up on best practices, a person who co-hosts a weekly podcast about making websites and speak with web performance professionals…...

Workshop React Best Practices

Ovládněte React na jedničku. Pro všechny JavaScript a Frontend vývojáře je určen workshop s názvem „React Best Practices“, který je posune na další level. Především díky spoustě praktických příkladů rychleji pochopí koncepty. Kromě…

Building an accessible autocomplete control

Here’s a great in-depth post from Adam Silver about his journey to create an autocomplete field that’s as accessible as possible. There are so many edge cases to consider! There are old browsers and their peculiar quirks, there are accessibility best practices for screen readers, and not to mention...

Bundling JavaScript for Performance: Best Practices

Performance advice from David Calhoun on how many scripts to load on a page for best performance: [...] some of your vendor dependencies probably change slower than others. react and react-dom probably change the slowest, and their versions are always paired together, so they...

Embracing the Universal Web

There are constantly new features appearing in browsers—from subgrid to variable fonts to better developer tools. It's a really great time to be re-thinking everything we know about design on the web. Responsive design has served us well over the years, but it's still rooted in the limitations...

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