Reddit Users Are 'Going Dark' To Protest Wildly Unpopular Site Changes
As we reported last week, Reddit is planning to make some changes under the hood that will essentially kill off every third-party app that readers use to engage with the site’s communities. Given the state of the official app and its heavy reliance on huge ads, it’s a deeply unpopular move,...
The Best Call of Duty Battle Royale Isn’t Warzone
Six or seven days a week, MinerHoboJo fires up his PlayStation 5 and signs into Twitch or YouTube to stream a five-year-old game—Blackout, the first Call of Duty battle royale. By his own estimation, and community consensus, Miner is the game’s global leader in solo wins and kills. (There are...
Don’t mention ‘K’ country: Bitcoin Magazine's YouTube restored after ban
After Bitcoin Magazine’s YouTube channel was temporarily shut down without prior warning, the livestream’s hosts suggested that mentions of “Kazakhstan” may have been flagged by the platform’s algorithm
Kazakhstan Is Stabilizing, Government Claims as Crypto Miners Look to Future in Country
The situation across Kazakhstan, hit by anti-government protests in the first week of the year, is normalizing, central authorities claim. The country’s massive crypto mining industry, which faced an internet blackout during civil unrest on top of power shortages, now hopes that the country...
Likes out: Facebook blackout sparks ideas for Web 3.0.
Crypto advocates remind socially accountable and helpful media platforms are possible with decentralization
Black Ops Cold War’s Multi-Team Elimination Is Almost Blackout 2.0
A lot of new stuff arrived with Call of Duty’s mid-season “Reloaded” update last week. It’s easy to get distracted by the ‘80s Action Hero event’s challenges and modes, but hidden in the mix is “Multi-Team Elimination,” a Fireteam mode for Black Ops Cold War that’s worth checking out. Read more
Zamrzlé větrné i plynové elektrárny, lidé bez elektřiny: V Texasu zažívají energetický blackout
Americký Texas se potýká s neobvykle studeným počasím, které zahrnuje hluboký mráz, rychlou tvorbu námrazy a silný vítr se sněžením. To mělo mimo jiné za následek výpadky v rozvodné síti a došlo i na tzv. blackouty, tedy kolaps, v rámci kterého jsou odříznuty na delší dobu větší územní celky.
Chinese State Grid Launches Blockchain-Based Blackout Insurance Policy
Zhejiang province issued its first blackout insurance policy backed by a blockchain platform
Blackout Cure Needed? BTC Price Volatility Challenges Crypto Exchanges
2020 has been one of BTC’s most volatile periods, but why do cryptocurrency exchanges keep crashing under high demand?
Location, Privilege and Performant Websites
Here’s a wonderful reminder from Stephanie Stimac about web performance. She writes about a recent experience of moving to an area with an unreliable network and how this caused problems for her as she tried to figure out what was happening during a power blackout:
Assuming all of your customers...
[článek] Záchranářské síti hrozí blackout. Stát zakázku za 4,5 miliardy zadá bez výběrového řízení
[4 minuty čtení] Ve hře byl přechod na LTE, ale další miliardy za provoz záchranářské sítě Tetrapol nakonec získá firma Pramacom. Vše bude mít možná i právní dohry. Českému státu se prodraží provoz takzvané „vysílačkové sítě“, přes kterou komunikují policisté, hasiči a záchranáři. Síť Integrovaného...
Když nastane blackout: 5 nejhorších výpadků proudu historie
Když nastane blackout: 5 nejhorších výpadků proudu historie