Maximally optimizing image loading for the web in 2021
Malte Ubl’s list for:
8 image loading optimization techniques to minimize both the bandwidth used for loading images on the web and the CPU usage for image display.
Fluid width images in CSS, not forgetting the height and width attributes
The post Maximally optimizing image...
AMD má opět rekordní tržby podpořené zvýšenými prodeji CPU i GPU
Vánoce byly u AMD štědré. Firma ohlásila nejlepší finanční výsledky v historii. V posledním čtvrtletí utržila 3,2 miliardy dolarů, meziročně o 53 % více. Čistý zisk pak činil 1,8 miliardy, což je dokonce desetkrát více než loni. Na to ale má vliv jednorázový daňový bonus ve výši 1,3
Low-end hodný roku 2021. Snapdragon 480 zrychluje CPU i GPU a přináší 5G
Mobilní sítě nové generace se letos dostanou i do levnějších smartphonů a tabletů. Qualcomm včera představil nový čipset Snapdragon 480, jež kromě nového modemu citelně zlepší i výkon.
Uvnitř čipu vyráběného 8nm litografií od Samsungu najdeme osm procesorových jader. Dvě výkonná Krya 460 Gold
Hong Kong Crypto Exchange Launches Hardware Wallet With Fingerprint Recognition
The Hong Kong-based crypto exchange has launched a new type of hardware wallet that features fingerprint recognition. The device supports over 10,000 cryptocurrencies with and multi-signature functionality with over 40 public chains. The well known cryptocurrency exchange...
Former Steem devs believe CPU mining is the key to a fair launch for their ‘blockchain 3.0'
Steemit veterans vow to improve blockchain upgradeability and avoid damaging hard forks
Enforcing performance budgets with webpack
As you probably know, a single monolithic JavaScript bundle — once a best practice — is no longer the way to go for modern web applications. Research has shown that larger bundles increase memory usage and CPU costs, especially on mid-range and low-end mobile devices.
webpack has a lot of features...
Re-Mining Simulation Shows Satoshi Used a Single High-End PC to Mine 1.1M Bitcoin
Cryptocurrency advocates have been recently discussing the mysterious Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto as RSK’s chief scientist, Sergio Dermain Lerner, published a paper called “The Patoshi Mining Machine.” Essentially, Lerner simulated Satoshi’s mining experience....
PSF Token Invokes the First Coin-Age Staking Protocol on Bitcoin Cash
During the last six months, the Simple Ledger Protocol has grown immensely and there’s been 9,604 SLP tokens created since the infrastructure launched. Just recently reported on mistcoin, the mineable SLP token that can be mined with a CPU. Now software developer Chris...
[aktualita] Qualcomm tlačí na americkou administrativu, chce znovu dodávat CPU pro Huawei
Huawei kvůli americkým sankcím hrozí, že bude muset příští měsíc ukončit výrobu vlastních čipů Kirin. O možnost dodávat pro Huawei svá CPU paralelně u americké administrativy pod Trumpovým velením bojuje americký Qualcomm. Americká společnost zintenzivnila podle Bloombergu svoji lobbistickou...
Něco pro fandy tichých PC. Noctua chystá více černých chladičů a uvede obří pasiv pro CPU
Noctuu a její ikonické hnědo-béžové ventilátory možná znají i ti, kteří se v hardwaru běžně nevrtají. Ne všem se ale tato barevná kombinace do skříně hodí. Pokud je to váš případ, zbystřete. Dorazí nové černé a dokonce i bílé verze.
Rakouská společnost ukázala hromadu novinek již před rokem na
Meet Mistcoin – The First Mineable SLP Token Implementation Launched on Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash proponents have been introduced to a new project built using the Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) framework called mistcoin (MIST). The new token is essentially the first mineable implementation of colored coins on Bitcoin Cash. Mist allows participants to mine the SLP tokens “using...
Wild Satoshi Theories: The Curious Case of Bitcoin Block 3654 from 2009
On Wednesday, 50 bitcoin mined on February 9, 2009, was moved from the original address to a new address. The movement of coins caused a great commotion throughout the cryptocurrency community, as some individuals assumed it may have been the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. However, skeptics believe...
Huawei je připraven nahradit Intel i Windows. Letos uvede počítače s vlastním CPU i OS
Huawei loni rozjel další etapu, jak získat nezávislost. Loni v létě představil vlastní operační systém – či spíš rodinu operačních systémů se stejným jádrem – HarmonyOS. Ten by firma chtěla nasadit na veškerou myslitelnou elektroniku od televizorů a sluchátek, přes reproduktory a hodinky až po
The Cost of Javascript Frameworks
I expect this post from Tim Kadlec to be quoted in every performance conference talk for the next few years. There is a lot of data here, so please check it out for yourself, but the short story is that JavaScript-framework-powered sites are definitely heavier and more resource-intensive than...
Bitcoin Mining: An Evolution from CPU to ASIC
To a newcomer, the cryptocurrency market might seem like any other industry and some might even be intimidated by it. Scarcely would anyone believe that it is only 10 years old. In 2008, it was just a hobby for some scholarly enthusiasts motivated probably by ideals like breaking free from...
PR: Partners with Resistance – the Next Gen DEX
Last week, the Resistance team met with CEO Stefan Rust, and other members of the organization, to discuss the terms of a partnership. The meeting was a great success and a strategic partnership agreement was drawn up and signed the same day.
The post PR:
Bitcoin History Part 13: The First Mining Pool
The notion that anyone could solo mine bitcoin – on a CPU no less – seems positively quaint today. But in 2010, this method wasn’t just possible – it was the norm. With an exponentially lower hashrate, less competition and a 50 bitcoin block reward, there was enough pie...
The Bottleneck of the Web
Steve Souders, "JavaScript Dominates Browser CPU":
Ten years ago the network was the main bottleneck. Today, the main bottleneck is JavaScript. The amount of JavaScript on pages is growing rapidly (nearly 5x in the last 7 years). In order to keep pages rendering and feeling fast, we need to focus...
The Cloud is Just Someone Else's Computer
When we started Discourse in 2013, our server requirements were high:
modern, fast dual core CPU
speedy solid state drive
I'm not talking about a cheapo shared cpanel server, either, I mean a dedicated virtual private server with those specifications.
We were OK with that, because we were
The Golden Age of x86 Gaming
I've been happy with my 2016 HTPC, but the situation has changed, largely because of something I mentioned in passing back in November:
The Xbox One and PS4 are effectively plain old PCs, built on:
Intel Atom class (aka slow) AMD 8-core x86 CPU
AMD Radeon 77xx