Here’s 2 ways clever pro traders spot crypto and stock price reversals
Many successful traders look for double bottom and W bottom reversal patterns on technical charts in order to spot powerful price reversals
I like a good trick. What if… a URL was… a promise… that fetched said URL? ={
That’s what @justjavac did with JavaScript Proxys. A clever trick, that. Don’t @ me about the practicality. Trick…
The post...
CSS Hell
Collection of common CSS mistakes, and how to fix them
From Stefánia Péter.
Clever idea for a site! Some of them are little mind-twisters that could bite you, and some of them are honing in on best practices that …
The post CSS Hell appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
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CSS Pie Timer Re-Revisited
Kitty reflected on an ancient blog post here on CSS-Tricks on how to make an animated pie timer. The old technique is still clever. The new technique is equally clever and much easier. I particularly like the steps() animation function…
The post CSS Pie Timer Re-Revisited appeared first...
Apparently, You Can Use Route53 as a Blazingly Fast Database
Routtumbe53 is DNS management service by AWS. DNS is absolutely not a database, and yet here’s Nicholas Martin writing up some very clever trickery originally done by Corey Quinn:
When you think about it, DNS configuration is actually a
The post Apparently, You Can Use Route53...
Apparently, You Can Use Route53 as a Blazingly Fast Database
Route53 is DNS management service by AWS. DNS is absolutely not a database, and yet here’s Nicholas Martin writing up some very clever trickery originally done by Corey Quinn:
When you think about it, DNS configuration is actually a
The post Apparently, You Can Use Route53 as...
Nová Škoda Fabia má efektní kapličku, českou vlajku na dveřích a pět nových vychytávek Simply Clever
Chcete si o nové Fabii čtvrté generace přečíst jako o autu? Jděte se podívat ke kolegům na My se na ni už tradičně podíváme jako na gadget. V tomto směru vlastně nepřináší nic zásadně nového, jen posouvá už známé prvky výbavy do nižších cenových pater.
Má integrovanou eSIM,
Jenny B Kowalski’s A-Z (and a-z) as Variable Letterforms
Jenny B Kowalski has been posting a-letter-a-day on Instagram exploring multi-axis variable/responsive letterforms. They are very clever in that one of the axes controls an uppercase-to-lowercase conversion, literally morphing the shape of the letters from an uppercase version to a …
Flash of inAccurate coloR Theme (FART)
There is a lot to think about when implementing a dark mode theme on a website. We have a huge guide on it. There are some very clever quick wins out there, but there are also some quite tricky things …
The post Flash of inAccurate coloR Theme (FART) appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Clever DeFi Offering Easy Yield Farming for Investors
The text below is an advertorial article that was not written by journalists.
Within the rapidly growing cryptocurrency industry, decentralized finance is regarded as the next financial revolution. Among the defi protocols in the market, Clever DeFi is committed to taking yield...
Bullish traders cast low-risk Ethereum options bets with this clever strategy
Risk-averse traders who believe Ethereum is in a bull trend often use the Iron Condor options strategy to limit their downside risk
The CLEVER Fight: Bulls VS Bears
The text below is an advertorial article that was not written by journalists.
The launch of the Clever DeFi native token CLVA has been received with excitement by the crypto community, with the price mooning subsequently. Like any token in the crypto space, the bears had begun...
This clever Bitcoin options strategy brings pro BTC traders big profits
Pro traders often use the front spread options strategy to generate hefty returns without having to pay for their positions upfront
Plus: clever Steam bundles lead to upsides!
Life can Be Strange like that
Clever DeFi to Add Liquidity on Uniswap Following Minting Phase
PRESS RELEASE. CLEVER, a fully Decentralized Finance protocol, is set to bring added liquidity and extra value to its Ecosystem via the supported listing of its native CLVA token on popular decentralized exchange platform Uniswap. Uniswap Listing Next Phase for Clever Ecosystem The listing will...
The Makers Of Minit Are Back With A Clever New Spin-Off
Minit took the sense of exploration and discovery from a classic Zelda and recreated it in black and white in 60 second chunks. The result was fantastic, so it’s not surprising its creators are returning to that world in their latest game: Minit Fun Racer.Read more
Bulletproof flag components
A clever use of CSS grid from Jay Freestone to accomplish a particular variation of the media object design pattern (where the image is centered with the title) without any magic numbers anything that isn’t flexible and resiliant.
The trick …
The post Bulletproof flag components...
Clever Aave to Matic bridge keeps track of yields
A new type of cross-chain bridge has been invented which integrates the interest-yielding properties of DeFi with second layer solutions for Ethereum
A (terrible?) way to do footnotes in HTML
Terence Eden poked around with a way to do footnotes using the <details>/<summary> elements. I think it’s kind of clever. Rather than a hyperlink that jumps down to explain the footnote elsewhere, the details are right there next …
The post A (terrible?) way to...
Clever DeFi (CLVA) Offers Guaranteed Interest Payment In Every Fortnight
The text below is an advertorial article that was not written by journalists.
Clever DeFi is a decentralized platform that is offering users guaranteed interest for holding its native token CLVA. Clever intends to build a crypto ecosystem that ensures that all users are compensated...