
Nalezeno "ConsenSys": 355

ConsenSys submits comment letter to SEC urging approval of ETH ETF

Recently, the SEC requested feedback on whether or not Ethereum’s Proof of Stake (PoS) creates “unique concerns” of fraud and manipulation that the agency should consider before approving applications for Ethereum ETFs. The following are among the six questions the SEC requested...

MetaMask Launches Real-Time Security Alerts on Major Chains

MetaMask's security alerts now cover Ethereum, Linea, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Avalanche. The system proactively warns users of potential threats during transactions. This feature has a proven track record, including successful protection during the Vitalik Buterin phishing...

MetaMask Partners with Robinhood to Simplify Crypto Transactions

MetaMask has collaborated with Robinhood to enable direct crypto purchases for users, according to a press release shared with Cryptonews on Feb.7. MetaMask’s developer Consensys and Robinhood Markets, Inc. have jointly facilitated the integration of Robinhood Connect with the MetaMask wallet. This...

Microsoft and Tencent Join Forces with Infura for Blockchain Infrastructure

Microsoft Office / Source: Adobe Crypto infrastructure giant Infura is taking its first step toward decentralizing core components of its service following years of criticism that the company is a ‘single point of failure’ for Ethereum. Over a dozen Web2 giants including Microsoft and Tencent have...

Metamask and Blockaid Unite to Fortify Web3 Security With Security Alerts

In a recent development, Metamask, a self-custody Web3 platform developed by Consensys, has partnered with Blockaid, a Web3 security provider. The collaboration aims to integrate security alerts within the Metamask extension in order to enhance the platform’s security features. Metamask...

Former ConsenSys Employees Sue CEO Joseph Lubin Over Alleged Equity Dilution

Former employees of ConsenSys have filed a lawsuit against the company's founder CEO, Joseph Lubin, alleging that he breached a "no-dilution promise" made in 2015. The lawsuit filed in New York Supreme Court on October 19, claims that Lubin diluted the equity shares of former staff, contrary...

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