
Nalezeno "Database": 108

US State Regulator Launches Crypto Scam Tracker

The California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) has launched a cryptocurrency scam tracker to help residents “spot and avoid crypto scams.” The regulator stated: “As reports of new crypto scams emerge, the DFPI will continually update this tracker...

Kontrola zranitelných balíčků pomocí composer audit

Když se v nějaké vámi používané PHP knihovně objeví bezpečnostní chyba, tak máte několik možností jak se o ní dozvědět dříve, než bude pozdě. V jednom z předchozích článků jsem popisoval PHP Security Advisories Database a její použití pomocí Roave Security Advisories i několik dalších způsobů....

Hackers Hit Romanian Hospital, Demand Bitcoin Ransom

A hospital in Romania has been targeted in a ransomware attack with the perpetrators seeking payment in cryptocurrency to decrypt its database. The hack prevents the medical institution from reporting to the country’s health insurance fund in order to receive due funding. Botoşani...

Useful Tools for Visualizing Databases on a Budget

A diagram is a graphical representation of information that depicts the structure, relationship, or operation of anything. Diagrams enable your audience to visually grasp hidden information and engage with them in ways that words alone cannot. Depending on the type … Useful Tools...

Anonymous Allegedly Hacks Sberbank, Russia’s Largest Bank

Hacktivist collective Anonymous has allegedly breached the systems of one of the largest financial institutions in Russia, Sberbank. The attackers announced on social media they have published thousands of emails, phone numbers, and addresses. Anonymous Hackers Reportedly Gain Access to Sberbank...

Atari Buys MobyGames For $1.5 Million

Atari, or at least the company currently holding the rights to use that name, announced earlier this week that it had spent $1.5 million buying MobyGames, a website most of you have probably used at one point or another in your lives without ever thinking about its monetary worth.Read more

CSS Database Queries? Sure We Can!

Kinda silly sounding, isn’t it? CSS database queries. But, hey, CSS is capable of talking to other languages in the sense that it can set the values of things that they can read. Plus, CSS can request other files, and … CSS Database Queries? Sure We Can! originally published...

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