
Nalezeno "GTA": 418

GTA Online Players Kill 430 Million Zombies In Just 3 Days

It’s arguable that GTA Online’s Halloween event is proving somewhat popular. The zombie-slaughtering North Yankton Nightmare, added to the game along with GTA V’s opening location, Ludendorff, has been so popular Rockstar had to increase the community challenge goals ten-fold. Three days in, even...

New GTA Online Update Breaks Steam Deck Support

Today, Grand Theft Auto Online received an update, with the PC port of the crime sim finally getting anti-cheating software. Yet not everyone is happy, as this update has now made it impossible to play GTA Online on Steam Deck. Read more

Grand Theft Auto VI Still On Track For Fall 2025, Take-Two Says

Maybe the only thing more highly anticipated than Grand Theft Auto VI itself is the possibility that it gets delayed. Parent company Take-Two confirms that’s not happening yet. The open-world crime saga is still scheduled for the fall of 2025, according to its newest earnings report.Read more

Dabéři videoher zase stávkují. Nejočekávanější hru to ale nezdrží

Videoherní dabéři jdou do stávky kvůli používání umělé inteligence k nahrazení lidského hlasu. Stávka zasáhne velká herní studia, ovšem fanoušci očekávané hry Grand Theft Auto VI mohou být v klidu, na ni se totiž stávka díky jednomu z pravidel organizace dabérů nevztahuje

Netflix Is Making 80 New Games, Added To The 100 You Forgot You Had

Netflix is for films and TV, and Game Pass is for video games, right? It’s simple. I don’t expect to get to read eBooks via my Spotify subscription, any more than I would think Hello Fresh would send out movies. This is why I constantly forget that Netflix already has a bunch of games available—96...

Páté GTA chtěli rozšířit, plány zhatila lavina peněz z onlinu

Po letech vyplavalo na povrch poněkud nepřekvapivé odhalení, proč se populární městská akce Grand Theft Auto V nikdy nedočkala příběhového rozšíření. Ačkoliv na tomto projektu autoři nějakou dobu pracovali, nakonec raději přesunuli svou pozornost do online složky, která jim vydělává ohromné obnosy...

GTA III Blew This Lord Of The Rings Actor's Mind Back In 2002

Actor Dominic Monaghan wasn’t a big gamer growing up, but that all changed when he first played Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto III on PS2. The open-world crime simulator basically blew his mind and revealed just how far games had come from Pac-Man.Read more

GTA Online's Next Update Will Add Police Missions And Bounty Hunting

Grand Theft Auto Online’s next big summer update arrives in June and will add new bounty hunting and police missions to Rockstar’s massively popular crime simulator. Also coming in the future update: New props and modes for the in-game content creator, and some more quality-of-life improvements...

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