Auntie Em! Wicked Barbie Boxes Send People To Hardcore Porn Site
Look, we all know Barbie looks at porn. She’s an adult woman, it’s no big deal. But it’s maybe more of an issue when she starts leaving tabs open all over the merch sold to kids. This is what’s happened on the boxes for two Wicked movie tie-in Barbie dolls.Read more
13 Movies And TV Shows To Nerd Out With This November
Overall, this year has been a somewhat mixed bag in the entertainment space. We’ve had massive hits and flops at the box office, as well as shows like Agatha All Along, which was mostly sublime throughout its run but ended with the same thud most Marvel shows do. We’re predicting an equally messy...
I Am Only Getting The MF Doom Gladiator 2 Popcorn Bucket If It Fits On My Head
Gladiator 2 is out next month, so it was only a matter of time before we caught a glimpse of a popcorn bucket that embodied all of the decadence that eventually led Rome to collapse. It’s a call back to the helmet Maximus Decimus Meridius wears in the first movie which will presumably have a cameo...
First Gladiator 2 Pics Show Paul Mescal And Pedro Pascal Duke It Out
It’s July 1, folks. You know what that means? Pride Month is over and all the corporations who told us we were welcome to spend our money at their businesses are about to fold up their rainbow flags and forget about the gays and theys until next year. But fear not, we have one buffer to cushion...
The Star Wars Cerveza Cristal Meme Is So Dang Good
The internet is obsessed with South American beer ads that were sneakily edited into Star Wars movies in the early 2000s, and has started sticking the beverage’s infectious jingle into other famous films. If you’ve been wondering why your timeline is covered in Cerveza Cristal jokes, here’s why....
Pilot, gladiátor nebo jako součást obrazu. Google nově využívá generativní AI k remixování selfíček
Google ukazuje další možné využití generativní umělé inteligence • Svou selfie můžete v mobilní aplikaci remixovat různými styly • Týkají se umění, cestování a historie... a ještě se něco přiučíte
Crypto’s gladiator TMSN Network triumphant over Cardano & Shiba Inu
After a harrowing 2022, development teams behind currencies are redoubling their efforts to make up for the past year’s losses. Platforms like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Cardano (ADA) are planning advancements, but investors and traders are flocking toward more promising avenues, like the...
Russell Crowe Movie Mistakes Dragon Age Icon For Spanish Inquisition Symbol
I haven’t seen The Pope’s Exorcist, the horror movie starring Gladiator and Beautiful Mind actor Russell Crowe out in theaters right now, but it sounds like the film is pretty middling, and that Crowe can’t elevate the poor take on supernatural demons in the Catholic church. Frankly, I hadn’t heard...
Analysis: how a solo dev 'gladiator sim' hit big on PC
Also: the mobile UA biz's 2022 highlights & lots more!
A Story of Incredible Belief….. How GAIMIN Gladiator’s Acquired Team Tickles!
It normally takes a newly formed esports team 12-18 months to gel and experience success, however GAIMIN Gladiator’s Dota 2 team only formed in January 2022 and they are already rising in the Dota 2 rankings, qualifying in the Top 14 for the ESL One DOTA 2 Major this May in Stockholm...
The First 90 Minutes Of Forza Horizon 5's Campaign
We’re less than a month away from Forza Horizon 5, and I for one am very much looking forward to putting away the chilly, cozy waning weeks of the year by sinking myself into another titanic automotive expedition. In the meantime, I was lucky enough to get a taste of the game, as Microsoft allowed...
Netflix a HBO na víkend: Snyderova Armáda mrtvých, povedené sci-fi Ex Machina nebo Gladiátor