Puzzles and Mysteries
Bob Hoffman:
Puzzles, [Malcom Gladwell] wrote, are problems for which there is not enough information. An example of a puzzle: Where is Jimmy Hoffa buried? If we had more information, we would know the answer. If someone told us “Jimmy Hoffa is buried in New Jersey,” we’d know a little more than...
Camila Russo and David Hoffman on the 2020 DeFi Outlook
Why the undisputed narrative of 2019 was the rise of DeFi and why 2020 promises even more exciting developments
Reid Hoffman’s New ‘Hamilton’-Inspired Crypto Rap Video Is Straight Fire
The LinkedIn co-founder teamed up with notable YouTubers to drop a battle rap between Alexander Hamilton and Satoshi Nakamoto. Who wins?
Testing Haven, OB1’s New Social Media and Crypto Marketplace App
On Monday, OB1, the development team who created the crypto-infused marketplace Openbazaar, launched a new platform called Haven. The application is a mobile version of the Openbazaar marketplace, but also includes social media, end-to-end encrypted messaging, and noncustodial wallet services for...
Marketing Festival 2017 to rozjel naplno. A hned s několika hashtagy
Čtvrtý ročník Marketing Festivalu je za námi a je třeba si přiznat, že to byla pořádná jízda. Tyinternety byly u toho a bez reportu vás na tuto událost rozhodně nenecháme zapomenout. Věhlasná jména světového marketingu jako Avinash Kaushik z Googlu, Rand Fishkin z MOZ či Oli Gardner z Unbounce...