
Nalezeno "India crypto": 156

Mastermind Behind India's $24 Million Crypto Fraud Flees Country

The mastermind behind a massive $24 million crypto fraud scheme in India has managed to evade Indian security agencies and escape from the country. The criminal, identified as Subhash Sharma, fled the nation just as authorities were closing in on him, authorities confirmed to local media. ... Read...

India Planning to Launch Global Database of Crypto Exchanges by Next Year

India is planning to introduce a comprehensive global database of cryptocurrency exchanges to help law enforcement agencies combat crypto-related crimes.  This initiative comes as part of India's push to align itself with international standards for regulating cryptocurrency assets.  As per...

Indian Crypto Exchanges Expect Clear Regulations Following G20 Declaration

The recent push by G20 members to establish a global framework to regulate crypto has sent a wave of optimism among Indian crypto firms and investors.  India’s intention to work with global consensus on regulating the crypto industry has come as good news for domestic crypto exchanges, which have...

India Will Decide on Its Crypto Stance in Coming Months

India's individual position on crypto will be analyzed and decided on in the coming months after considering what global leaders agreed to as an acceptable framework for crypto rules as part of the Group of Twenty (G20) deliberations

IMF and FSB Release ‘Policies for Crypto Assets’ at G20 Request

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) have published their synthesis paper titled “Policies for Crypto Assets,” which was developed at the request of the Indian G20 Presidency. The global organizations “have set out a roadmap to ensure effective...

Joint IMF and FSB Report Warns Against Total Crypto Bans

A joint policy roadmap released by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cautioned against outright bans on cryptocurrencies.  The policy paper, commissioned by the G20 under India's leadership, has emphasized the need for comprehensive regulatory...

India Pushes For A Clear G20 Crypto Strategy, Backs FSB Recommendations

India has backed calls for a properly structured legal regime on digital assets globally in its latest release to the G20.  The country which currently presides over the G20, an association of the world’s 20 leading economies has in recent months deliberated on its local crypto laws while making...

G20 Finance Chiefs Agree Global Policy Responses to Crypto Are Required

The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors have agreed that crypto regulation cannot be confined to one part of the world, said India’s finance minister. “Any action on crypto assets will have to be global,” she stressed, adding that the G20 finance chiefs’...

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