
Nalezeno "Ivan Dovica": 47

Ivan Kutil je první oficiální český šampion pro Google Cloud

Google spustil nový program Google Cloud Innovators, kde chce sdružovat komunitu kolem jeho cloudové platformy. Součástí je i status Champion Innovator, který je na pozvánky a určený pro nejzkušenější odborníky. Prvním a zatím jediným Čechem s tímto titulem je Ivan Kutil, spoluzakladatel...

Analyzing Notion app performance

Here’s a fantastic case study where Ivan Akulov looks at the rather popular writing app Notion and how the team might improve the performance in a variety of ways; through code splitting, removing unused vendor code, module concatenation, and deferring JavaScript execution. Not so long ago, we made...

Bitcoin 2017 Bull Run Deja Vu? With Ivan on Tech

In an insightful conversation with speaker, educator and content creator Ivan Liljeqvist (Ivan on Tech) on AIBC, we got a host of information about cryptocurrency and blockchain, including the important issue of how the adoption of crypto is going to shape up our future. The host of the show...

The Coolest Jobs in Crypto

Meme Lord. Street artist. Unique startup founder. Feeder of the hungry. There’s no end to the amount of cool jobs in crypto, and new uses for decentralized, peer-to-peer cash are limited only by the bounds of one’s imagination. Whether finding new and innovative solutions...

Researcher Breaks Mimblewimble, Deanonymizing 96% of Grin Transactions

The Mimblewimble privacy technology used by cryptocurrencies such as Beam and Grin is broken. That’s the claim of researcher Ivan Bogatyy who has published a report documenting his findings. In it, he reveals how he was able to deanonymize 96% of all Grin transactions just by running a node...

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