Moving Rainbow Underlines
I absolutely love the design of the Sandwich site. Among many beautiful features are these headlines with rainbow underlines that move as you scroll. It's not scroll-jacking — it's just a minor design feature that uses scroll position to enact a little movement.
To draw the rainbows...
Make a smooth shadow, friend.
One box-shadow is cool and all, but check out Philipp Brumm's tool for building out comma-separated multiple box-shadows, which result in a much smoother and more natural look.
This reminds me very much of the idea for easing linear-gradient. In a gradient, this smoothing effect is handled...
The Tools are Here
Heading into 2020, it occurs to me that I've now been making websites for 20 years. Looking back on that time, it seems as though our practices have been in near-constant churn, and that our progress did not always seem linear. But ultimately, even the missteps and tangents along the way have...
Gradient Borders in CSS
Let's say you need a gradient border around an element. My mind goes like this:
There is no simple obvious CSS API for this.
I'll just make a wrapper element with a linear-gradient background, then an inner element will block out most of that background, except a thin line of padding around...
Collective #418
Dynamic Bézier Curves * Cool Backgrounds * Winds 2.0 * GDPR Hall of Shame * FacePause * Hello TensorFlow * Immersive Linear Algebra
Collective #418 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Radial Gradient Recipes
Radial gradients are pretty dang cool. It's amazing we can paint the background of an element with them so easily. Easily is a relative term though. It's certainly easier than needing to create a graphic in third-party software to use as the background, and the syntax is highly learnable. But it's...
Kometa 252P/LINEAR je pozorovatelná na ranní obloze
Kometa 252P/LINEAR, velké kometární překvapení letošního roku, se 21. března 2016 přiblížila Zemi na vzdálenost necelých 0,04 AU. Zatímco ve všech doposud pozorovaných návratech byla slabým, vizuálně nepozorovatelným objektem, v letošním, díky blízkému setkání se Zemí, specifickém návratu, měla...
Překvapí nás kometa 218P/LINEAR?
Ke Slunci se blíží poměrně neznámá krátkoperiodická kometa 218P/LINEAR, která byla objevena teprve v roce 2003. Tehdy ji nalezla slavná automatická přehlídka oblohy LINEAR, a to při jasnosti 19,0 mag. Kometa pak byla pozorována i v roce 2009, v obou návratech dosáhla maxima jasnosti mezi 17 a...