
Nalezeno "Movies": 109

5 AI-themed movies to watch

From dystopian futures to emotionally charged connections, AI-themed movies have a unique way of tapping into our fascination with artificial intelligence

Xbox 360 Store Shutting Down For Good In 2024

Xbox 360 Marketplace, the console’s online store, will cease operations on July 29, 2024. After that day, 360 owners will no longer be able to purchase new games or entertainment content for their consoles, and the Microsoft Movies and TV app will stop working, too.Read more

As Star Wars Stagnates, Star Trek Is Flourishing

Can you imagine Luke Skywalker singing? Probably not. But just recently, Star Trek let Spock, Kirk, and even some Klingons sing and dance. And it didn’t happen in a weird dream or some obscure book for super nerds, but in an episode of the franchise’s current flagship series. Again, can you imagine...

Holes Actor Wins Mortal Kombat Tourney In Goofy Movie Cosplay

At Dream Con, an anime and video game convention in Austin, Texas, actor Khleo Thomas, perhaps best known for the 2003 movie Holes, competed in and won a Mortal Kombat 11 tournament. Thomas, who played Zero in the 2003 Disney film opposite Shia LaBeouf, won the Mortal Kombat 11 tournament while...

The Great Mission: Impossible Movies Deserve A Great New Game

The fuse has been lit and the mission has been accepted. That’s right folks, it’s time for a new Mission: Impossible film. The latest entry in the popular action franchise is out now in theaters. But if this new film has you all excited about the franchise again and you want to play a Mission:...

Top 9 hacker and cybersecurity movies

Movies about hacking and cybersecurity, such as WarGames, The Matrix and Mr. Robot, have helped viewers explore the potential risks of technology

Inspired By Modders, Valve Releases Offical Steam Deck Start-Up Movies

Last year, Steam Deck modders discovered how with a little file modding you could swap out the generic intro video that plays when booting up the console with your own video. Now, in time for the Steam Deck’s one-year launch anniversary, Valve has released official boot-up videos and made it easier...

5 Unconventional Holiday Movies Gamers Will Love

I’m reporting myself as a hard-hearted (if more modern and beautiful than average) Scrooge: a rejecter of the holiday spirit. Due to a combination of unresolved angst and a distaste for other people’s joy—I no longer see this as a personality flaw, but as God’s design—the holidays are my most hated...

10 Horror Games Worse Than The Movies They're Based On

I love to catalog things. I’m a scrapbooker, a flower presser, and I need to log every movie I watch on Letterboxd or I’ll cease breathing. My desire to collect could be pathological, but I often wish I could capture all the games I play in the same way. Some games I want to remember forever, long...

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