Pokémon Go Dev Says Everyone Loves Going Outside When Fans Are Mad About It
Pokémon Go has been riddled with controversy over the past month after developer Niantic made changes to Remote Raid Passes. The changes included limiting how many times people could use these items to play the game remotely, rather than having to leave their home to take part. Alongside this,...
The Real Impact Of Pokémon Go's Changes That Niantic Won't Face
Welcome to Exp. Share, Kotaku’s weekly Pokémon column in which we dive deep to explore notable characters, urban legends, communities, and just plain weird quirks from throughout the Pokémon franchise. This week, we talked to rural and disabled Pokémon Go players about the impact of changes to...
Pokémon Go Fans Angry As Remote Raids Get Worse, More Expensive
Pokémon Go has undergone a lot of changes over the past seven years, but the inclusion of Remote Raids and Remote Raid Passes have made the mobile game easier for players to participate without actually leaving their homes. However, it doesn’t sound like developer Niantic is thrilled about that....
Father & 'Adult Son' Found Guilty Over Pokémon Go 'Brawl'
In June 2018 a brawl erupted in a park in St Louis that led to a victim suffering a “traumatic eye injury”. The fight was captured on video and led to two men being arrested on serious assault charges. Those men have finally been tried, with a court finding both guilty of felony third-degree...
Pokémon Go's New Event Finally Lets You Evolve Cosmog
When Pokémon Go added Cosmog at the start of its latest quarterly season, the Season of Light, it was (of course) done in the most confusing manner possible. This fan-favorite pocket monster was finally part of the mobile game but in a form that apparently couldn’t evolve. Well, starting today...
Pokémon GO TikTok Seems To Say The Quiet Part: People Are DTF Pokémon
Look, it’s not a comfortable topic. But, unafraid as we are to cover the more controversial, divisive topics at Kotaku, we think it’s time to acknowledge it: Some Pokémon are just kinda hot. And it seems even official Pokémon companies may be willing to acknowledge this.Read more
Pokémon GO's Professor Willow Has Gotten A Quietly Unsettling Makeover
Saturday’s conclusion to Pokémon GO Fest 2022 saw the arrival of a clutch of Ultra Beasts, the welcome end to the god-awful Rhi storyline, and most importantly, the return of Professor Willow after an ill-advised course of illegal steroids.Read more
After Years Of Disappointment, Pokémon Go Fest Finally Gave Me The Magic I've Been Missing
As has been chronicled on Kotaku, my journey into Pokémon GO has been one that began two years ago in lockdown-induced happiness, and then slowly descended into disappointment after disappointment. However, this weekend, despite what appear to be Niantic’s best efforts, I finally experienced...
$70,000 Pokémon Card Thief Hid Them At Mom's House
A warehouse worker for one of the UK’s biggest collectable card-selling companies was found guilty last week of stealing over $70,000 of Pokémon cards, and then hiding them in...his mom’s house.Read more
This Pokémon GO 3D Billboard Is The Reason We Invented Technology
All advertising is evil, obviously. But sometimes, despite this, it can be extraordinarily entertaining. This latest 3D billboard from outside of Tokyo’s Shinjuku Station is maybe the best use of this optical illusion tech I’ve seen, and it’s cross-promoting Pokémon GO and, er, World Cat Day.Read...
Pokémon GO's Starly Community Day Seems Like Self-Sabotage
You’re Niantic, and your community of Pokémon GO players is pretty damned pissed at you over a whole bunch of recent changes, not least to Community Days. So what do you do to try to fix things? No, sorry, you’re wrong. You make the next Community Day about sodding Starly.Read more
Velké herní propouštění. Unity a Niantic opouští stovky vývojářů
Herním společnostem se sice za éry pandemie covidu mimořádně dařilo, neplatí to však o každé. Veliké propouštění nyní probíhá u provozovatelů oblíbené geolokační hry Pokémon GO i u autorů enginu Unity
Pokémon Go Studio Cancels Projects, Cuts More Than 80 Staff As It Struggles To Find Next Hit
The mobile game company behind Pokémon Go, Niantic, is struggling to find its next big hit. And now, a new report claims the studio canceled multiple projects and laid off staff members in an effort to “streamline” operations.Read more
Pokémon GO Seems Set On Ruining Every Improvement From The Pandemic
Of all the many excellent changes Niantic made to Pokémon GO in the face of the global Covid-19 pandemic, remote raiding seemed to be the one that was most likely to survive long-term. So of course, every new move the developer makes seems to be threatening its future.Read more
Pokémon GO Is Down, Weep And Gnash Teeth
Like a poor young suckling puppy being torn from its mother, millions of Pokémon GO players are unable to log in, or take part, in their favourite mobile game. Reports are coming from all around the world that the game is down. POGO is no-go.Read more
Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Everything You Need To Know
Pokémon GO Fest 2022, the biggest event in the massive mobile game’s calendar, is confirmed for the 4th and 5th June this year. For the not-inconsiderable sum of $14.99, the weekend will include rotating habitats, Land Forme Shaymin, shiny debuts, and “customized special research,” where players...
Pokemon GO's Creators Want Players Back Outside, Despite The Outcry
Recent changes to Pokémon GO have yet again stirred controversy. The nerfing of Incense, and the halving of Community Day, have once more sent out a signal that Niantic wants the mobile game to return to its pre-pandemic form, before some of its audience is ready. We spoke to POGO’s live game...
Pokémon Go Fans Upset As Dev Undoes Another Great Change
Pokémon Go creator Niantic Labs announced Wednesday that, from April on, the mobile game’s Community Days will revert to their pre-pandemic length of only three hours long. Following the recent enormous nerfing of in-game item Incense, players are not at all pleased at Niantic’s seeming refusal...
Pokémon Go Trading Halted After Player Gets Extremely Lucky
Niantic, makers of Pokémon Go, recently disabled trading in its popular augmented-reality game after the discovery of a bug that gave one player a bunch of “lucky” Pokémon via trade (h/t Nintendo Life).Read more
Why Pokémon GO Players Are Being Charged Different Prices
Niantic’s recently declared intention to better communicate with Pokémon GO players isn’t exactly going well. In the last week, trainers have realized that they’re all being charged different amounts for a particular item in the game’s store, without being told why. And Niantic’s explanation to...