
Nalezeno "Plugin": 107

You’re Going To Have To Pay To Use Some Fancy Colors In Photoshop Now

It’s very likely you don’t give a great deal of thought to where the digital colors you use originally came from. Nor, probably, have you wondered who might “own” a particular color, when you picked it when creating something in Photoshop. But a lot of people are about to give this a huge amount...

Building Interactive Figma Widgets

Figma has always encouraged collaboration between developers and designers. It strives on an endless treasury of community-made plugins. Need 3D elements? There’s a plugin for that. Need abstract SVGs? There’s a plugin for that, too. That said, the design part...

7 Ways to Optimize Performance for Your WordPress Site (Sponsored)

The vast majority of blogs, news websites, and information websites run on WordPress. While the WordPress developer team and community do their best to ensure wordPress is performant, there are a number of practices you can implement to keep your site blazing fast. Let’s look at some of them!...

Tiny Grid Layout Animation

A simple layout transition where a small grid animates to a larger view, using the Flip plugin from GreenSock. The post Tiny Grid Layout Animation appeared first on Codrops

GAIMIN Poised for Significant Growth and Technology Advancement in 2022

March 6th sees GAIMIN enter its fifth and most exciting year: GAIMIN’s distributed data processing application which rewards users for participation in the network will be launched in April 2022. GAIMIN’s Minecraft plugin is delivering blockchain and NFT functionality to the Minecraft...

GSAP Flip Plugin for Animation

Greensock made the GSAP Flip plugin free in the 3.9 release. FLIP is an animation concept that helps make super performance state-change animations. Ryan Mulligan has a good blog post: FLIP, coined by Paul Lewis, is an … GSAP Flip Plugin for Animation originally published...

A Deep Introduction to WordPress Block Themes

The relatively new WordPress editor, also known as the WordPress Block Editor, always under development via the Gutenberg plugin, has been with us since 2018. You can use the block editor on any WordPress theme, provided the theme … A Deep Introduction to WordPress Block Themes originally...

Using SVG in WordPress (2 Helpful Plugin Recommendations)

SVG is a great image format, so it's nice to able to use it in WordPress. If you're looking to be using SVG in WordPress. , we've got you covered here with all the best options. Using SVG in WordPress (2 Helpful Plugin Recommendations) originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get...

4 Quality Options for a Table of Contents Block in WordPress

There are a number of options for including a Table of Contents lock in WordPress. You can use a plugin, or try to do it yourself. 4 Quality Options for a Table of Contents Block in WordPress originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter and become a supporter

Making a Site Work Offline Using the VitePWA Plugin

The VitePWA plugin from Anthony Fu is a fantastic tool for your Vite-powered sites. It helps you add a service worker that handles: offline support caching assets and content prompting the user when new content is available …and other goodies! … Making a Site Work Offline Using the VitePWA...

9 Awesome WordPress Plugins to Use in 2022

A collection of high-quality and popular WordPress plugins that will ease the process of building a website. The post 9 Awesome WordPress Plugins to Use in 2022 appeared first on Codrops

Jetpack Features We Love and Use at CSS-Tricks

(This is a sponsored post.) We use and love Jetpack around here. It’s a WordPress plugin that brings a whole suite of functionality to your site ranging from security to marketing with lots of ridiculously useful stuff in between! … Jetpack Features We Love and Use at CSS-Tricks...

A Look at the Cloudinary WordPress Plugin

(This is a sponsored post.) Cloudinary (the media hosting and optimization service) has a brand new version (v3) of its WordPress plugin that has really nailed it. First, a high-level look at the biggest things this plugin does: It … The post A Look at the Cloudinary WordPress Plugin...

Create Your Own Automated Social Images With Resoc

There has been a lot of talk about automated social images lately. GitHub has created its own. A WordPress plugin has been acquired by Jetpack. There is definitely interest! People like Ryan Filler and Zach Leatherman have implemented … The post Create Your Own Automated Social Images With...

Building Your Own Subscription Newsletter

(This is a sponsored post.) I did a sponsored video the other week explaining how to build a paid subscription newsletter using WordPress (we did it on but it could be hosted anywhere), MailPoet (a plugin to visually … The post Building Your Own Subscription Newsletter appeared...

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